I am running a test code for a larger code that I am working on and this is the code:
function addWorkersCluster()
if length(procs()) == 1
println("Adding cluster")
machines = []
cluster = [102,104,105,106,107,109,110,111]
cluster = [111]
for machineNumber in cluster
using PyCall
@pyimport networkx as nx
@everywhere function createAndRunGrid(lenghtGrid::Integer,heightGrid::Integer,failsRange::StepRange{Int,Int},failType::Integer,redundancyValue::Number)
gGrid = nx.grid_2d_graph(lenghtGrid,heightGrid,periodic=false)
return [1,2,3,4,5]
@everywhere function runTestGrid(lenghtGrid::Integer,heightGrid::Integer,redundancyRange,failsRange::StepRange{Int,Int},repetitionNumber::Integer,failType::Integer)
d1 = length(redundancyRange)
d2 = length(failsRange)
d3 = repetitionNumber
nNodes = lenghtGrid*heightGrid - 1
parallelFutureRefList = []
for redundancyIndex in 1:1:d1
redundancyValue = redundancyRange[redundancyIndex]
for repetitionIndex in 1:1:d3
push!(parallelFutureRefList,@spawn createAndRunGrid(lenghtGrid,heightGrid,failsRange,failType,redundancyValue))
data = Array{Float64,3}(d1,d2,d3)
for parallelFutureRefIndex in 1:1:length(parallelFutureRefList)
notServed = fetch(parallelFutureRefList[parallelFutureRefIndex])
r = 0.1:0.2:0.9
lenghtGrid = 10
heightGrid = 3
f = 1:1:3
rep = 2
fType = 1
println("Run grid")
and I am getting the error:
WARNING: Node state is inconsistent: node 7 failed to load cache from /home/lps/.julia/lib/v0.6/PyCall.ji. Got:
WARNING: can only precompile from node 1
WARNING: Node state is inconsistent: node 6 failed to load cache from /home/lps/.julia/lib/v0.6/PyCall.ji. Got:
WARNING: can only precompile from node 1
WARNING: Node state is inconsistent: node 3 failed to load cache from /home/lps/.julia/lib/v0.6/PyCall.ji. Got:
WARNING: can only precompile from node 1
WARNING: Node state is inconsistent: node 4 failed to load cache from /home/lps/.julia/lib/v0.6/PyCall.ji. Got:
WARNING: can only precompile from node 1
WARNING: Node state is inconsistent: node 8 failed to load cache from /home/lps/.julia/lib/v0.6/PyCall.ji. Got:
WARNING: can only precompile from node 1
WARNING: Node state is inconsistent: node 2 failed to load cache from /home/lps/.julia/lib/v0.6/PyCall.ji. Got:
WARNING: can only precompile from node 1
WARNING: Node state is inconsistent: node 9 failed to load cache from /home/lps/.julia/lib/v0.6/PyCall.ji. Got:
WARNING: can only precompile from node 1
WARNING: Node state is inconsistent: node 5 failed to load cache from /home/lps/.julia/lib/v0.6/PyCall.ji. Got:
WARNING: can only precompile from node 1
ERROR: LoadError: On worker 2:
UndefVarError: nx not defined
createAndRunGrid at teste.jl:21
Any ideias of how to solve it?