Hello everyone,
I am teaching a course using Scikit-Learn, and I wanted to translate my materials to MLJ (for a possible future ), but I am having many problems. I am using MLJ#dev.
First, I have a dataframe with only 4 attributes, all of them are Multiclass and OrderedFactor. I am trying to apply a DecisionTreeClasifier, that it should be use them as it is said with
And the types are rights, I think:
gives me:
Table{Union{AbstractArray{Multiclass{6},1}, AbstractArray{Multiclass{5},1}, AbstractArray{OrderedFactor{4},1}}}
and target_test is from type:
So, I suppose I can apply it.
However, when I do
march = machine(tree, input_test, target_test)
It gives me:
┌ Warning: The scitype of `X`, in `machine(model, X, ...)` is incompatible with `model=DecisionTreeClassifier @140`:
│ scitype(X) = Table{Union{AbstractArray{Multiclass{6},1}, AbstractArray{Multiclass{5},1}, AbstractArray{OrderedFactor{4},1}}}
│ input_scitype(model) = Table{var"#s45"} where var"#s45"<:Union{AbstractArray{var"#s13",1} where var"#s13"<:Continuous, AbstractArray{var"#s13",1} where var"#s13"<:Count, AbstractArray{var"#s13",1} where var"#s13"<:OrderedFactor}.
Which could be the reason?
The evaluate! is working with cross_entropy. However, I am not sure it is working well for the previous warning message.