Hello! I have a problem-saving plot formed through UnicodePlots.
The code I’m using could be found in this GitHub Repository.
Everything works fine, I just wanted to attempt and save one of the plots to try and export it from my GCP VM to my local environment, so I edited the following (lines 117-121):
We are interested both in the loss and cost ratio between true and computed shortest path.
Gaps = Cost_ratios .- 1
savefig(plot_loss_and_gap(Losses, Gaps, options), export_parth*"fig1.png")
and added the following at the top (line 30)
export_path = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "export")
I then get this error:
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching savefig(::Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend}, ::String)
Closest candidates are:
savefig(::Plot, ::AbstractString; color, kw...) at ~/.julia/packages/UnicodePlots/jcYUt/src/show.jl:545
[1] top-level scope
@ ~/WarcraftShortestPaths.jl/test/tutorial.jl:123
[2] include(fname::String)
@ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:476
[3] top-level scope
@ REPL[3]:1
in expression starting at ~/WarcraftShortestPaths.jl/test/tutorial.jl:123
So, my question is, how could I save a figure of type Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend}?
Thanks in advance.