Problem on model and gradient descend in Flux

Hi. I have a problem on gradient descend in Flux.
Suppose I have a model like this:

model1 = Chain(x->Dense(5,5),relu)
model2 = Chain(x->model1(x), Dense(5,5), vec)
model3 = Chain(x->model1(x), Dense(5,5), vec)

And I wrap them in params:

parameters = Flux.params(model1,model2,model3)

And I use gradient descend:

gs = gradient(parameters) do
    loss1 = model2(x) - trueX
    loss2 = model3(y) - trueY
    loss = loss1 + loss2

My target is to learn two things. They are both learnt from model1, but I use model2 to output one thing and model3 to output the other. I am curious whether I can use codes above to realize it.
Thank you!

Don’t think that will work as expected:

  1. While you can pass functions to Chain they will be opaque, i.e., Flux cannot see inside to get parameters. Further, your function x -> Dense(5, 5) never calls the dense layer!
    Simply use model1 = Dense(5 => 5, relu) or Chain(Dense(5 => 5), relu) instead.
  2. You can combine all your model parts into a single model:
    model = Chain(Dense(4 => 5, relu), # your model1
                  Parallel(tuple, # combine both model outputs into tuple
                           Dense(5 => 6),   # model2
                           Dense(5 => 7)))  # model3
    # Use as follows ... note that I have changed the dimensions to better understand where each value is coming from
    batch = rand(4, 8)
    size.(model(batch))  # will be ((6, 8), (7, 8))
    gradient(model) do m
        m2, m3 = m(batch)
        loss1 = m2 .- trueX
        loss2 = m3 .- trueY
        sum(vcat(loss1, loss2))

Thank you!
I understood. Your explanation is quite clear!

May I ask you for another related question.
Suppose I have two separate models. I want to concatenate their outputs and put it into a new model. Codes like this:

model1 = Chain(Dense(4 => 5),vec)
model2 = Chain(Dense(4 => 6),vec)
model3 = Chain(
    Dense(11 => 11),

Will this code work?
Thanks for your kind and patient reply!

Not if you want to train model1 and model2 as well. Again, the paramaters of them will not be seen inside the function:

julia> model1 = Chain(Dense(4 => 5),vec)
  Dense(4 => 5),                        # 25 parameters

julia> model2 = Chain(Dense(4 => 6),vec)
  Dense(4 => 6),                        # 30 parameters

julia> model3 = Chain(
           Dense(11 => 11),
  Dense(11 => 11),                      # 132 parameters

# model3 only has the parameters of the last Dense layer
julia> Dense(11 => 11)
Dense(11 => 11)     # 132 parameters

# Use Parallel again to combine the sub-models -- now the parameters are all visible
julia> model3 = Chain(
           Parallel((x,y)->cat(x,y,dims=1), model1, model2),
           Dense(11 => 11),
      Dense(4 => 5),                    # 25 parameters
      Dense(4 => 6),                    # 30 parameters
  Dense(11 => 11),                      # 132 parameters
)                   # Total: 6 arrays, 187 parameters, 1.035 KiB.

PS: Also not sure about the vec at the end of your model. In Flux models usually work on batches of input, i.e.,

julia> m = Dense(4 => 5)
Dense(4 => 5)       # 25 parameters

julia> size(m(rand(4)))  # single input vector

julia> size(m(rand(4, 8)))  # batch of 8 inputs
(5, 8)

# model with vec eliminates batch dimension
julia> size(model1(rand(4, 8)))

Let me add that often it is more convenient to wrap the entire model inside a custom struct and define a forward pass instead of using Chain and Parallel:

using Flux

struct Model{D1, D2}

Flux.@layer Model

function Model()
    return Model(
        Dense(4 => 5),
        Dense(4 => 6))

function (m::Model)(x)
    x1 = m.dense1(x)
    x2 = m.dense2(x)
    return cat(x1, x2, dims=1)

# x = rand(Float32, 4) # with no batch dimension
# y = rand(Float32, 11)
x = rand(Float32, 4, 5) # 5 examples in a batch
y = rand(Float32, 11, 5)
loss(model, x, y) = Flux.mse(model(x), y)

model = Model()
opt_state = Flux.setup(AdamW(), model)
g = gradient(model -> loss(model, x, y), model)[1]
Flux.update!(opt_state, model, g)
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Thanks for detailed instructions!
I think I’ve learnt to operate correctly now.
Much grate for your anwser!

Thanks for your kind instructions!
I tried your code and succeeded. It’s quite logistic compared to my past version.
They are very helpful!
Much grate for your help!

May I ask about a problem relating to this.
coding like this:

#In one file, I defined a model like above
function m(parameters)
  model = Chain(Dense(4 => 5, relu), # your model1
                Parallel(tuple, # combine both model outputs into tuple
                         Dense(5 => 6),   # model2
                         Dense(5 => 7)))  # model3
  return f64(model) #return the model

I understood that given an input, we can get output of model2 by using m2,_ = model(input).
But I want to get the model2 rather than its output.
For I want to pass that model to a loss function rather than a detailed number.
If use the code provided by you, I encounter errors.

#In another file, I include that model
loss1 = input -> loss(m2(input)) #loss is a function defined before. Input is a data type and not initialized.
m2,m3 = m(parameters) #Here I want to receive two models, I don't know whether it works for my target.
par = Flux.params(m2,m3)
gs = gradient(par)
    l1 = 0
    l2 = 0
    for data in datas
        l1 += loss1(m2(data))
        l2 += mse(m3(data), trueM3)
    allLoss = sum(vcat(l1,l2))
Flux.update!(opt, par, gs)

I cannot use your codes for tasks like this.
Can you kindly give me some tips?
Thank you!

Ok, as m is just a function just change it to return what you need:

# From what I understand you want something like this
function m()  # arguments parameters was not used anyways
    model1 = Dense(4 => 5)  # shared between model2 and model3
    model2 = Chain(model1, Dense(5 => 6))
    model3 = Chain(model1, Dense(5 => 7))
    return model2, model3

Maybe some further remarks:

  1. Are you sure you need to convert your models to Float64, i.e., f64(model)?
  2. As your two loss components l1, l2 are scalar, you can just add them, i.e., no need for sum(vcat(l1, l2)). Just do: l1 + l2.
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Thanks for replying!
I got it. So my fault in the first code:

model1 = Chain(x->Dense(5,5),relu)
model2 = Chain(x->model1(x), Dense(5,5), vec)
model3 = Chain(x->model1(x), Dense(5,5), vec)
parameters = Flux.params(model1,model2,model3)
gs = gradient(parameters) do
    loss1 = model2(x) - trueX
    loss2 = model3(y) - trueY
    loss = loss1 + loss2

The fault is just change

model2 = Chain(x->model1(x), Dense(5,5), vec)


model2 = Chain(model1, Dense(5,5), vec)

And for

parameters = Flux.params(model2,model3)
gs = gradient(parameters) do
    loss1 = model2(x) - trueX
    loss2 = model3(y) - trueY
    loss = loss1 + loss2

It will backward loss and update parameters in model2 then model1 then model3 then model1?

Is my understanding correct?

For the model, yes you got it, for the last part, not quite. What you have there just calculates the gradients, it doesn’t update the models. For that you need to use an optimizer.

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Everything with Flux.params is deprecated and about to be removed. This answer above uses the new style, with Flux.setup. This code fragment should be something like this:

opt23 = Flux.setup(Adam, (model2, model3))

gs23 = gradient(model2, model3) do m2, m3
    loss1 = m2(x) - trueX
    loss2 = m3(y) - trueY
    loss = loss1 + loss2

Flux.update!(opt23, (model2, model3), gs23)

But how this fits into the whole thread above I’m not sure.


so, if I add code

Flux.update!(opt, par, gs)

Will it obey the rule I mentioned: It will backward loss and update parameters in model2 then model1 then model3 then model1?

Thanks for helping!

I encountered a loss no changing problem in my previous ML framework, which is based on the Flux.params(). No matter what learning rates I use, the loss just kept all the same. Will the deprecation of Flux.params() cause that?

And for code:

Flux.update!(opt23, (model2, model3), gs23)

Will it follow the order that: It will backward loss and update parameters in model2 then model1 then model3 then model1?

Everything should be in 1 model object. For example, Flux.Chain or Flux.Parallel.

This previous answer is getting closest to what you seem to want: Problem on model and gradient descend in Flux - #2 by bertschi

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Yes. I understand that anwser. But I wander the gradient descending order.

Chain(Dense(4 => 5, relu), # your model1
              Parallel(tuple, # combine both model outputs into tuple
                       Dense(5 => 6),   # model2
                       Dense(5 => 7)))  # model3

Will we first backward layer for model2, then layer for model1, then layer for model3, then layer for model3, then layer for model1
Will we first backward layer for model2, then layer for model3, then layer for model1?

model2 and model3, then model1, because model1’s gradient depends on model2 and model3.

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Got it! Thanks!