I have got a problem with this 2 lines
m_internal = MathProgBase.LinearQuadraticModel(GurobiSolver())
MathProgBase.loadproblem!(m_internal, s)
where s is a mps file
the error is
**UndefVarError: getconstrLB not defined**
in top-level scope at [base\none](#)
in loadproblem! at [Gurobi\6Evli\src\MPBWrapper.jl:114](#)
which is wierd because I still can load the problem data by doing
c = MathProgBase.getobj(m_internal)
A = MathProgBase.getconstrmatrix(m_internal)
xlb = MathProgBase.getvarLB(m_internal)
xub = MathProgBase.getvarUB(m_internal)
l = MathProgBase.getconstrLB(m_internal)
u = MathProgBase.getconstrUB(m_internal)
By the way there was no problem at all using CPLEX instead of Gurobi