@ashefa, I made a quick attempt to unwrap the models that PowerModels.jl builds for AC-PF and AC-OPF. I did not test these much, but they do converge on the specified 30 bus model.
Maybe these can help you debug your code.
PS: these require the current master branch version of PowerModels.jl. But should work fine once the next version is released.
Test AC Power Flow
sing JuMP
using PowerModels
using Ipopt
ipopt_solver = IpoptSolver()
model = Model(solver = ipopt_solver)
network_data = PowerModels.parse_file("$(Pkg.dir("PowerModels"))/test/data/case30.m")
ref = PowerModels.build_ref(network_data)
@variable(model, t[i in keys(ref[:bus])])
@variable(model, v[i in keys(ref[:bus])], start = 1.0)
@variable(model, p[(l,i,j) in ref[:arcs]])
@variable(model, q[(l,i,j) in ref[:arcs]])
@variable(model, pg[i in keys(ref[:gen])])
@variable(model, qg[i in keys(ref[:gen])])
ref_bus = ref[:bus][ref[:ref_bus]]
@constraint(model, v[ref[:ref_bus]] == ref_bus["vm"])
for (i,bus) in ref[:bus]
bus_arcs = ref[:bus_arcs][i]
bus_gens = ref[:bus_gens][i]
@constraint(model, sum(p[a] for a in bus_arcs) == sum{pg[g], g in bus_gens} - bus["pd"] - bus["gs"]*v[i])
@constraint(model, sum(q[a] for a in bus_arcs) == sum{qg[g], g in bus_gens} - bus["qd"] + bus["bs"]*v[i])
# PV Bus Constraints
if length(ref[:bus_gens][i]) > 0 && i != ref[:ref_bus]
# this assumes inactive generators are filtered out of bus_gens
@assert bus["bus_type"] == 2
@constraint(model, v[i] == bus["vm"])
for j in ref[:bus_gens][i]
gen = ref[:gen][j]
@constraint(model, pg[j] == gen["pg"])
for (i,branch) in ref[:branch]
f_bus = branch["f_bus"]
t_bus = branch["t_bus"]
f_idx = (i, f_bus, t_bus)
t_idx = (i, t_bus, f_bus)
p_fr = p[f_idx]
p_to = p[t_idx]
q_fr = q[f_idx]
q_to = q[t_idx]
v_fr = v[f_bus]
v_to = v[t_bus]
t_fr = t[f_bus]
t_to = t[t_bus]
g = branch["g"]
b = branch["b"]
c = branch["br_b"]
tr = branch["tr"]
ti = branch["ti"]
tm = tr^2 + ti^2
@NLconstraint(model, p_fr == g/tm*v_fr^2 + (-g*tr+b*ti)/tm*(v_fr*v_to*cos(t_fr-t_to)) + (-b*tr-g*ti)/tm*(v_fr*v_to*sin(t_fr-t_to)) )
@NLconstraint(model, p_to == g*v_to^2 + (-g*tr-b*ti)/tm*(v_to*v_fr*cos(t_to-t_fr)) + (-b*tr+g*ti)/tm*(v_to*v_fr*sin(t_to-t_fr)) )
@NLconstraint(model, q_fr == -(b+c/2)/tm*v_fr^2 - (-b*tr-g*ti)/tm*(v_fr*v_to*cos(t_fr-t_to)) + (-g*tr+b*ti)/tm*(v_fr*v_to*sin(t_fr-t_to)) )
@NLconstraint(model, q_to == -(b+c/2)*v_to^2 - (-b*tr+g*ti)/tm*(v_to*v_fr*cos(t_fr-t_to)) + (-g*tr-b*ti)/tm*(v_to*v_fr*sin(t_to-t_fr)) )
Test AC Optimal Power Flow
using JuMP
using PowerModels
using Ipopt
ipopt_solver = IpoptSolver()
model = Model(solver = ipopt_solver)
network_data = PowerModels.parse_file("$(Pkg.dir("PowerModels"))/test/data/case30.m")
ref = PowerModels.build_ref(network_data)
@variable(model, t[i in keys(ref[:bus])])
@variable(model, v[i in keys(ref[:bus])] >= 0, start = 1.0)
@variable(model, -ref[:branch][l]["rate_a"] <= p[(l,i,j) in ref[:arcs]] <= ref[:branch][l]["rate_a"])
@variable(model, -ref[:branch][l]["rate_a"] <= q[(l,i,j) in ref[:arcs]] <= ref[:branch][l]["rate_a"])
@variable(model, ref[:gen][i]["pmin"] <= pg[i in keys(ref[:gen])] <= ref[:gen][i]["pmax"])
@variable(model, ref[:gen][i]["qmin"] <= qg[i in keys(ref[:gen])] <= ref[:gen][i]["qmax"])
@objective(model, Min, sum(gen["cost"][1]*pg[i]^2 + gen["cost"][2]*pg[i] + gen["cost"][3] for (i,gen) in ref[:gen]) )
for (i,bus) in ref[:bus]
bus_arcs = ref[:bus_arcs][i]
bus_gens = ref[:bus_gens][i]
@constraint(model, sum(p[a] for a in bus_arcs) == sum{pg[g], g in bus_gens} - bus["pd"] - bus["gs"]*v[i])
@constraint(model, sum(q[a] for a in bus_arcs) == sum{qg[g], g in bus_gens} - bus["qd"] + bus["bs"]*v[i])
for (i,branch) in ref[:branch]
f_bus = branch["f_bus"]
t_bus = branch["t_bus"]
f_idx = (i, f_bus, t_bus)
t_idx = (i, t_bus, f_bus)
p_fr = p[f_idx]
p_to = p[t_idx]
q_fr = q[f_idx]
q_to = q[t_idx]
v_fr = v[f_bus]
v_to = v[t_bus]
t_fr = t[f_bus]
t_to = t[t_bus]
g = branch["g"]
b = branch["b"]
c = branch["br_b"]
tr = branch["tr"]
ti = branch["ti"]
tm = tr^2 + ti^2
@NLconstraint(model, p_fr == g/tm*v_fr^2 + (-g*tr+b*ti)/tm*(v_fr*v_to*cos(t_fr-t_to)) + (-b*tr-g*ti)/tm*(v_fr*v_to*sin(t_fr-t_to)) )
@NLconstraint(model, p_to == g*v_to^2 + (-g*tr-b*ti)/tm*(v_to*v_fr*cos(t_to-t_fr)) + (-b*tr+g*ti)/tm*(v_to*v_fr*sin(t_to-t_fr)) )
@NLconstraint(model, q_fr == -(b+c/2)/tm*v_fr^2 - (-b*tr-g*ti)/tm*(v_fr*v_to*cos(t_fr-t_to)) + (-g*tr+b*ti)/tm*(v_fr*v_to*sin(t_fr-t_to)) )
@NLconstraint(model, q_to == -(b+c/2)*v_to^2 - (-b*tr+g*ti)/tm*(v_to*v_fr*cos(t_fr-t_to)) + (-g*tr-b*ti)/tm*(v_to*v_fr*sin(t_to-t_fr)) )
@constraint(model, t_fr - t_to <= branch["angmax"])
@constraint(model, t_fr - t_to >= branch["angmin"])
@constraint(model, p_fr^2 + q_fr^2 <= branch["rate_a"]^2)
@constraint(model, p_to^2 + q_to^2 <= branch["rate_a"]^2)