Problem in getting a solution using the package "ReachabilityAnalysis.jl"

Hello all,

I am trying to solve a differential equation with interval coefficients using the packages “IntervalArithmetic.jl” and “ReachabilityAnalysis.jl” in Pluto.jl notebook. When I tried to plot the solution I got this plot

I wish to get a complete blue color plot (10 seconds), but I am getting it for less than 2 seconds. Could you please let me know what is the problem and how can I resolve it?
I used the code shown below-

	@taylorize function f(du, u, p, t)
		du[1] = ( u[1] + u[2] ) * ( u[1] - u[3] ) * ( u[1] + u[4] )

		#encode uncertain params
		du[2] = zero(u[1]) # p[1]
		du[3] = zero(u[1]) # p[2]
		du[4] = zero(u[1]) # p[3]

	p_int = (1.0..1.0) × (2.0..2.01) × (3.0..3.0)
	U0 = Singleton([1.0]) × convert(Hyperrectangle, p_int)
	prob = @ivp(u' = f(u), dim: 4, u(0) ∈ U0);
	sol = solve(prob, tspan=(0.0, 10.0), TMJets(abstol=1e-5));
	solz = overapproximate(sol, Zonotope);

	function g(du, u, p, t)
		a, b, c = p
		n = 1
		du[1] = ( u[1] + a ) * ( u[1] - b ) * ( u[1] +  c)
	u0 = [1.0]   # initial conditions
	p = (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)   # unperturbed parameter values
	tspan = (0.0, 10.0)   # time span to solve the system over
	prob = ODEProblem(g, u0, tspan, p)
	sol = solve(prob)
	plot(solz, vars=(0, 1), lw=0.3)
	plot!(sol, vars=(0, 1), legend=false, ylabel="x(t)", xlabel="Time")