Suppose I want a plot with the title “if you give me $2 then i will give you $1”
If i construct str = "if you give me \$2 then i will give you \$1"
then println(str)
returns if you give me $2 then i will give you $1
as I’d hope and expect. But
print(x, y, title = str, label="")
produces this plot
whereas omitting the second dollar sign in the title gives the expected (but not desired) output, i.e. if str = "if you give me \$2 then i will give you 1"
then plot(x, y, title = str, label="")
Why is the second escaped dollar sign not behaving as I’d expect, and what is the solution?
Formatting text between 2 dollar signs ($) is LaTeX math mode. Funnily enough I never noticed normal strings do this too because I used LaTeXStrings to avoid escaping backslashes and dollar signs from the start. Maybe another preceding escaped backslash \\\$ makes LaTeX see \$ and escape it in its own way.
@rafael.guerra, using a unicode dollar sign is a good workaround. the julia docs give as a reasonable alternative.
@benny, i see that plot with most backends does, indeed, allow LaTeX in titles and labels. and i’m sure there’s a way to backslash my way out of trouble, but i couldn’t make your suggestion work. i’ll just use the unicode symbol for now.
I think you are on to something here, the reason for this $ trouble is in the GR library (in the C library, not the wrapper). The math parsing is done in a less than optimal way. But, there is a way to disable this math parsing and to convince Plots to use it:
julia> import Plots: gr_text
julia> gr_text(x, y, s::AbstractString) =
if (occursin('\\', s) || occursin("10^{", s)) &&
match(r".*\$[^\$]+?\$.*", String(s)) === nothing
GR.textext(x, y, s)
GR.textx(x, y, s, UInt32(0))
gr_text (generic function with 2 methods)
After this fixup (the change is in the GR.textx line), the code in the OP:
str = "if you give me \$2 then i will give you \$1"
plot(x, y, title = str, label="")