Hi all,
Is it possible to add format specifiers to printf for custom data types?
Hi all,
Is it possible to add format specifiers to printf for custom data types?
Could this work for you:
using Printf
struct MyType; a::Float64; end
Base.show(io::IO, M::MyType) = @printf(io, "%.2f", M.a)
x = MyType(1.1)
or maybe this is better suited:
using Printf
struct MyType2; a::Float64; ϵ::Float64; end
myfmt = Printf.Format("%.3f +- %.3f")
Printf.format(M::MyType2) = Printf.format.(Ref(myfmt), M.a, M.ϵ)
M = MyType2(1.0, 0.2)
"1.000 +- 0.200"
In general, no - custom format specifiers in format strings are not supported. I’d recommend the show
approach insted.