Prerelease of new testing framework and test run UI in VS Code

Here is a working case: GitHub - lmiq/TestTests.jl

  • You do need to ] add Tests, yes (@davidanthoff can this be lifted? Seems redudant, isn’t Test a dependency of TestItemRunner, which could reexport the Test macros?)
  • In the main module of the package you only need to put using TestItems
  • In runtests.jl you need to use using TestItemRunner

The Project.toml must look like this one: TestTests.jl/Project.toml at main · lmiq/TestTests.jl · GitHub

I tested removing the test/runtests.jl file, and the test items inside the main module continue to work.

Does this work for you? You can clone that package and check, of course.

In other works, a step by step would be:

Step by step

Packages to add:

import Pkg; Pkg.add("Test", "TestItems", "TestItemRunner")

Project.toml (see example here)

  • Move TestItemRunner and Test to [extras]
  • On [targets], have test = ["Test", TestItemRunner"] (and other deps if needed).

Main code of the package

Add using Testitems in the main module, and @testitem(s):

module MyPackage
    using TestItems
    f(x) = 1

    @testitem "my test" begin
        using MyPackage # must be self-contained!
        @test MyPackage.f(1) == 1

The test/runtests.jl file:

Must look like this:

using TestItemRunner

# other items can be here
@testitem "my other test" begin
    using MyPackage
    @test MyPackage.f(2) == 1
