During a VSC debug session, while seeking for a mysterious global variable origin, I found that variables used in the @setup_workload begin
of the PrecompileTools
precompilation are present in compiled cache and visible during debugging. In the attached figure one can see for example the variable Glix
that is created inside the @setup_workload begin
GMT.jl/src/GMT.jl at master · GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl · GitHub
More of the Global (GMT)
revealed in VSC also comes from the pre-compilation. I think that storing data in compiled caches was not intended.
Try using let
instead of begin
in GMT.jl/src/GMT.jl at 8de42febc8ffb2e53ad903b3bc478df7b4192258 · GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl · GitHub
creates a new scope.
Thanks. Indeed, that makes them disappear but begin
is what comes in the docs so many people should be affected by this as well.