I am trying to run the PowerModelsADA.jl (Power Models Alternating Distributed Algorithms) and using the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) technique. I am following the example code and facing the following problem; the code snipped is attached.
> using JuMP
> using Ipopt
> using PowerModels
> using PowerModelsADA
> case_path = "C:/Users/Dell/Desktop/ADMM/case14.m"
> parition_file_path = "C:/Users/Dell/Desktop/ADMM/case14_2areas.csv"
> data = parse_file(case_path)
> assign_area!(data, parition_file_path)
> ## Settings and optimizer initiation
> max_iteration = 1000
> tol = 1e-2
> optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level"=>0)
> model_type = ACPPowerModel
> ## Distributed algorithm
> ## ADMM with fully distributed structure
> data_area = (data, model_type, optimizer, tol=tol, max_iteration=max_iteration, print_level = 1, alpha=1000, save_data=["solution", "mismatch"], multiprocessors=false)
> error_admm = compare_solution(data, data_area, model_type, optimizer)
> ```
Error:TaskFailed Exception error: invalid base 10 digit 'q' in ''qf''.
Please help me to rectify the problem and possible reason for the error.