Power minus one character

Is their a way to print W^{-1} in the console using println(“W…”)?

Is their a unicode character for it?

In Superscripts and Subscripts (Unicode block) - Wikipedia and Unicode subscripts and superscripts - Wikipedia they mention a superscript minus and a superscript 1, so you could do W⁻¹, here it looks a bit nicer in code W⁻¹.

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Thanks a lot! I copy and pasted what you wrote, and it works. :slight_smile:

Is there a way to type this in the REPL without using copy and paste?

W\highminus<TAB>\^1<TAB> see Unicode Input · The Julia Language

Easier: W\^-1<tab>. If you copy-and-paste a symbol into the REPL help, it will tell you how to type it:

help?> W⁻¹
"W⁻¹" can be typed by W\^-1<tab>

If you need the output to be dynamic, you can use these functions I wrote a while ago.

julia> s = "W" * superscriptnumber(-1)

julia> s = "W" * superscriptnumber(-3000)

julia> ["W" * subscriptnumber(i) for i in 0:4]
5-element Vector{String}:
    subscriptnumber(i::Int) -> s::String

Returns the appropraite unicode string `s` for any numerical subscript `i`.
function subscriptnumber(i::Int)
    if i < 0
        c = [Char(0x208B)]
        c = []
    for d in reverse(digits(abs(i)))
        push!(c, Char(0x2080+d))
    return join(c)
export subscriptnumber

    superscriptnumber(i::Int) -> s::String

Returns the appropraite unicode string `s` for any numerical superscript `i`.
function superscriptnumber(i::Int)
    if i < 0
        c = [Char(0x207B)]
        c = []
    for d in reverse(digits(abs(i)))
        if d == 0 push!(c, Char(0x2070)) end
        if d == 1 push!(c, Char(0x00B9)) end
        if d == 2 push!(c, Char(0x00B2)) end
        if d == 3 push!(c, Char(0x00B3)) end
        if d > 3 push!(c, Char(0x2070+d)) end
    return join(c)
export superscriptnumber