I have finished my implementation of my unit commitment problem and I would like to know if there is any possibility of including this kind of plot in my final results:
getvalue should work on AbstractArray{JuMP.Variable} directly, so there is no need to iterate over the elements. getvalue will give you an AbstractArray{Float64}, and at this point you can do absolutely anything with the data that you want.
Hello ExpandingMan,
Thanks for this tips, however, I tried “println(“solved model results”, getvalue(::AbstractArray{JuMP.Variable}))” but it did not work for me. I keep get the following error; “ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching getvalue(::Type{AbstractArray{JuMP.Variable,N} where N})”
I have tried searching for this error, but not finding any meaningful help. I shall appreciate your insight regarding this issue. Thank you.