I am working to port a tutorial on MRP from rstanarm to Turing. I’m also just getting started on Julia, so it’s an opportunity to learn the language at the same time.
I’ve estimated a few models in Stan and have some familiarity with the details (by no means a Bayesian master). I am working off this tutorial: Chapter 1 Introduction to Mister P | Multilevel Regression and Poststratification Case Studies
I can get the tutorial model to run without any problems in R. It runs in~30 minutes. The rstanarm specification is:
# Fit in stan_glmer
fit <- stan_glmer(abortion ~ (1 | state) + (1 | eth) + (1 | educ) + male +
(1 | male:eth) + (1 | educ:age) + (1 | educ:eth) +
repvote + factor(region),
family = binomial(link = "logit"),
data = cces_df,
prior = normal(0, 1, autoscale = TRUE),
prior_covariance = decov(scale = 0.50),
adapt_delta = 0.99,
refresh = 0,
seed = 1010)
I’ve run through the data processing and confirmed the data is generating the same number of groups for each variable with hierarchical parameters. I started with another tutorial that was ported into Julia/Turing to get some understanding. I’m not perfectly copying the Stan model - e.g., prior = normal(0, 1, autoscale = TRUE)
does a scaling and prior_covariance = decov(scale = 0.50)
species a prior for the covariance (I think it’s exp(0.5) based on this discussion - Prior_covariance for stan_glmer - Other - The Stan Forums)
It’s been running for a few hours now and hasn’t finished. Either the model is wrong or my specification is much slower than the Stan one (both could also be true - wrong and slow).My model to reproduce the MRP tutorial is:
@model function varying_intercept(
state_idx, eth_idx, educ_idx, male_eth_idx, educ_age_idx, educ_eth_idx, y, X, n;
n_gr_state=length(unique(state_idx)), n_gr_eth=length(unique(eth_idx)), n_gr_educ=length(unique(educ_idx)),
n_gr_educ_age=length(unique(educ_age_idx)), n_gr_educ_eth=length(unique(educ_eth_idx)),
n_gr_male_eth=length(unique(male_eth_idx)), predictors=size(X, 1)
inter ~ Normal(0, 1) # Overall intercept term
β ~ filldist(Normal(0, 1), predictors) # population-level coefficients
#prior for variance of random intercepts
τ_state ~ truncated(Cauchy(0, 2); lower=0) # group-level SDs intercepts for state
τ_eth ~ truncated(Cauchy(0, 2); lower=0) # group-level SDs intercepts for ethnicity
τ_educ ~ truncated(Cauchy(0, 2); lower=0) # group-level SDs intercepts for education
τ_male_eth ~ truncated(Cauchy(0, 2); lower=0) # group-level SDs intercepts for male:ethnicity
τ_educ_age ~ truncated(Cauchy(0, 2); lower=0) # group-level SDs intercepts for education:age
τ_educ_eth ~ truncated(Cauchy(0, 2); lower=0) # group-level SDs intercepts for education:ethnicity
αⱼ_state ~ filldist(Normal(0, τ_state), n_gr_state) # group-level intercepts for state
αⱼ_eth ~ filldist(Normal(0, τ_eth), n_gr_eth) # group-level intercepts for ethnicity
αⱼ_educ ~ filldist(Normal(0, τ_educ), n_gr_educ) # group-level intercepts for education
αⱼ_male_eth ~ filldist(Normal(0, τ_male_eth), n_gr_male_eth) # group-level intercepts for male:ethnicity interaction
αⱼ_educ_age ~ filldist(Normal(0, τ_educ_age), n_gr_educ_age) # group-level intercepts for education:age interaction
αⱼ_educ_eth ~ filldist(Normal(0, τ_educ_eth), n_gr_educ_eth) # group-level intercepts for education:ethnicity interaction
# v = logistic(α .+ X * β .+ αⱼ[idx])
for i in 1:n
v = inter .+ αⱼ_state[state_idx[i]] .+ αⱼ_eth[eth_idx[i]]
v+= αⱼ_educ[educ_idx[i]] .+ αⱼ_male_eth[male_eth_idx[i]]
v+= αⱼ_educ_age[educ_age_idx[i]] .+ αⱼ_educ_eth[educ_eth_idx[i]]
v+= X[:,i]'*β
v = logistic(v)
y[i] ~ Bernoulli(v)
I call it with:
# Retrieve the number of observations.
n, _ = size(cces_df)
y = cces_df[:, :abortion];
X = Matrix{Float64}(cces_df[:, [:repvote, :region_NE, :region_S, :region_W, :male]]);
X = X' # transpose matrix to speedup computation and avoid transpose on each for loop
state_idx = cces_df[:, :state_idx];
eth_idx = cces_df[:, :eth_idx];
educ_idx = cces_df[:, :educ_idx];
male = cces_df[:, :male];
educ_age_idx = cces_df[:, :educ_age_idx];
educ_eth_idx = cces_df[:, :educ_eth_idx];
male_eth_idx = cces_df[:, :male_eth_idx];
Nadapt = 1000
delta = 0.99 # MRP tutorial says they had to increase adapt_delta to 0.99 to avoid divergent transitions
model_intercept = varying_intercept(
state_idx, eth_idx, male_eth_idx, educ_idx, educ_age_idx, educ_eth_idx, y, X, n
chain_intercept = sample(model_intercept, NUTS(Nadapt,delta), MCMCThreads(), 2000, 4)