Very good! This improves readability a lot. However, you still do not understand your own algorithm, and by the remaining convolutedness of your code you deprive yourself of the opportunity to understand it. To wit: Inline everything. First your original code, with minor changes to printing and without multithreading:
function MWE() :: Nothing
L1 = 10000
L2 = 10000
Ti = 10.0
Tf = 0.1
b = 0.8
Input1 = init(L1, L2)
Input2 = init(L1, L2)
while Ti > Tf
#println("Integration step @ $(Ti).")
for Iterator in 1 : L1
computeKernel1!(Ti, Iterator, Input1, Input2)
for Iterator in 1 : L1
computeKernel2!(Ti, Iterator, Input1, Input2)
updateStep!((b - 1) * Ti, Input1, Input2)
Ti = b * Ti
julia> @time MWE()
[2.60948e6, 5.21896e6, 7.82844e6, 1.04379e7, 1.30474e7, 1.56569e7, 1.82664e7, 2.08759e7, 2.34853e7, 2.60948e7]
48.036136 seconds (48.50 k allocations: 17.141 GiB, 2.87% gc time)
Inline everything:
function MWE2() :: Nothing
L1 = 10000
L2 = 10000
Ti = 10.0
Tf = 0.1
b = 0.8
Input1 = MyStruct(ones(Float64, L1), ones(Float64, L2, L1))
Input2 = MyStruct(ones(Float64, L1), ones(Float64, L2, L1))
while Ti > Tf
# println("Integration step @ $(Ti).")
for Iterator in 1 : L1
let T = Ti
Input2.Kernel1[Iterator] = Input1.Kernel2[Iterator] / T
for Iterator in 1 : L1
let T = Ti
#computeKernel2!(Ti, Iterator, Input1, Input2)
F = T * first(Input1.Kernel1)
for i in 1 : size(Input1.Kernel2, 1)
Input2.Kernel2[i, Iterator] = F * T * i
#integrate!(-T, T, Iterator, Input1, Input2)
let LowerBound = -T, UpperBound = T
for i in 1 : 9
v = LowerBound + i * (UpperBound - LowerBound) / 10.0
F = (UpperBound - LowerBound) / 10.0 * ( v * first(Input2.Kernel1)) * v
for j in 1 : size(Input1.Kernel2, 1)
Input2.Kernel2[j, Iterator] += F * j
let dT = (b - 1) * Ti
Input1.Kernel1 .+= dT * Input2.Kernel1
Input1.Kernel2 .+= dT * Input2.Kernel2
Ti = b * Ti
julia> @time MWE2()
[2.60948e6, 5.21896e6, 7.82844e6, 1.04379e7, 1.30474e7, 1.56569e7, 1.82664e7, 2.08759e7, 2.34853e7, 2.60948e7]
46.487035 seconds (142.37 k allocations: 17.145 GiB, 2.16% gc time)
Now you can refactor your code: Remove mystruct, fix missing dots, possibly replace loops by one-line broadcasts, hoist the integrate loop, remove unneeded temporaries. See that Kernel2[i, j] = Kernel2[i, k]
for every j, k
, so you can cut by a factor of 10000. I am assuming that this is a bug in your code? Don’t think about @threads
until you understand your algorithm, and you don’t understand your algorithm until you know every loop and every dependency. By inlining, loops and dependencies become obvious.