Thanks a lot for explanation. I will post another example.
I was trying to understand some thermodynamics which included cubic polynomials, and then some expressions which were fractions of polynomials. My expressions were more complex than those in the literature, so I was wondering what I did wrong. But then after some manual playing around, I found that I could reduce my polynomial fractions to those of the literature.
Essentially, I was wondering how some people could be so ingenious as to figure out those simplifications. And then I wondered: is there a Julia tool to do the same thing for me?
(I don’t know if I have time today… I really need to take an exercise walk… will hopefully be back in the evening.
I tried to install Nemo and Groebner via the Julia Pkg manager yesterday + update my packages. Don’t know what is wrong with my Windows 11 laptop… when I move away from the screen and the screen locker kicks in, it seems like the progress in the Julia REPL pauses… even though I have set the power settings to not pause with screen dimmed…so I need to finish the installation.)