Plotting trajectories

I wanted to plot trajectories around a planet and therefore cut out a circle in the middle of the plot (PyPlot). I tried it with fill, but I can still see the trajectories :frowning:

Also I want to plot 3D trajectories and a 2D density map with PyPlot. Has anyone an idea how to do that?


I think that the zorder keyword argument should help you:

julia> using PyPlot

julia> xx = linspace(0, 2pi)

julia> plot([0, 2], "b", zorder=1)
1-element Array{PyCall.PyObject,1}:
 PyObject <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x129216b10>

julia> fill(sin.(xx), cos.(xx), "k", zorder=2)
1-element Array{PyCall.PyObject,1}:
 PyObject <matplotlib.patches.Polygon object at 0x1293a7f10>

yes, thanks!

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Hello, I desperately need non python solution to plot vehicle trajectories on a map. Do you have any suggestions as of 2023?