I would like to plot a bar chart like this following one :
The x-axe data are represented by dates
x_years = [ "2018", "2019"]
and my y-axe data represents the amount of production of a given product. This information comes from a dictionary I have created.
amount_product[productA,NY] = [ 10, 15 ]
That means that were produced 10 products A in 2018 and 15 in 2019, in NY region.
I have tried the following code to try to build this:
plt= []
for product in list_product
for r in list_regions
plt = bar!(x_years, amount_product[product,r])
I got the following result
I know it’s like plt only keep the last value from the dictionary but I don’t know how to make it differently. Anyone has an idea to help me build this kind of bar chart? Thanks in advance.