and be able to use it like this with minimal overhead
f(x) = -2*x+x*im
g(x) = x-x*im/2
plot([f g],0,2π)
Now that I think of it it all boils down to the values returned by the function. Would type annotating it somehow help? But then there will always be problematic cases like this: plot([sin g],0,2π)?
I think the best way to handle this is with a plot recipe? I’ve actually never made one so the following code may not be “correct”, but it does produce the desired result.
using Plots
@recipe function f(f::AbstractArray{F}, xmin::Number, xmax::Number) where {F <: Function}
x = range(xmin, stop=xmax, length=20)
#A mapreduce() would probably be better...
y = reshape([fi(xi) for fi in f for xi in x], length(x), length(f))
return y
f1(x) = 2x+x^2*1im
f2(x) = x-x*im/2
f3(x) = sin(x+1im)
plot([f1, f2, f3],0,2π)