I’m trying to make plots with log and symlog scales, but no success with Plots.jl so far. When I try cgrad(scale=:log) it gives strange results, see below. And there seem to be no other place to specify log-scale.
A = randn(50, 100) heatmap(log10.(abs.(A)), color=cgrad(:RdBu))
which has correct colors, but of course wrong color scale: I need it to show original values instead of logs.
With scale=:log: heatmap(abs.(A), color=cgrad(:RdBu, scale=:log))
I totally don’t get how it computes colors here. And also I don’t find anything related to symlog scale.
You can create interactive web charts with vega-lite, the documentation for that is here. It is quite different from plotly, so not sure it would match your needs. But you should be able to export the vega-lite spec with yourspec |> save("foo.vegalite") and then follow the instructions for vega-lite embedding to put that onto a webpage.