Marked in yellow is the labels I would like to remove. I understand that one way to avoid these labels is by not constructing them in the first place, but I also save the plots individually, so I would just like to specify that for the group plot do not put the “inner” labels but only the outer ones, which are not marked in yellow.
If I had an array all_plots of plots and I wanted to combine them as subplots in a layout, I would do it like this:
all_plots = [plot(rand(100)) for i in 1:4]
xlabel = ["" "" "hi" "hi"],
ylabel = ["bye" "" "bye" ""],
For general layout grid sizes:
m = 5
n = 3
all_plots = [plot(rand(100)) for i in 1:m*n]
layout = (m, n),
xlabel = permutedims([i > (m - 1) * n ? "hi" : "" for i in 1:m*n]),
ylabel = permutedims([mod(i, n) == 1 ? "bye" : "" for i in 1:m*n]),