Plots / Julia 0.7.0

The (very nice) package Plots is working well with Julia 0.7.0, except these surprising deprecation warnings:

> Warning: `Array{T}(d::NTuple{N, Int}) where {T, N}` is deprecated, use `Array{T}(undef, d)` instead.
> │   caller = plot_color(::Array{Symbol,1}) at colors.jl:24
> └ @ PlotUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/xQ9vp/src/colors.jl:24
> ┌ Warning: `Array{T}(d::NTuple{N, Int}) where {T, N}` is deprecated, use `Array{T}(undef, d)` instead.
> │   caller = plot_color(::Array{RGB{FixedPointNumbers.Normed{UInt8,8}},1}) at colors.jl:24
> └ @ PlotUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/xQ9vp/src/colors.jl:24
> ┌ Warning: `a::Number + b::AbstractArray` is deprecated, use `a .+ b` instead.
> │   caller = get_zvalues(::Int64) at color_utils.jl:104
> └ @ PlotUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlotUtils/xQ9vp/src/color_utils.jl:104
> ┌ Warning: The start/next/done iteration protocol is deprecated. Use `iterate` instead.
> │   caller = concrete_minimum(::Array{Float64,1}) at Showoff.jl:38
> └ @ Showoff ~/.julia/packages/Showoff/45n6U/src/Showoff.jl:38
> ┌ Warning: The start/next/done iteration protocol is deprecated. Use `iterate` instead.
> │   caller = concrete_maximum(::Array{Float64,1}) at Showoff.jl:60
> └ @ Showoff ~/.julia/packages/Showoff/45n6U/src/Showoff.jl:60
> ┌ Warning: The start/next/done iteration protocol is deprecated. Implement `iterate(::Plots.EachAnn)`.
> │   caller = ip:0x0
> └ @ Core :-1

We’re on it. And by “we,” I do not mean me, but lots of other wonderful people. Plots is a bit of a behemoth and it’s a monumental effort.


Today, after updating Plots, everything is ok for me (no more deprecation warnings). Thanks a lot, and congratulations !

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