This simple Julia code:
using Plots; pgfplotsx();
using LaTeXStrings
x = [-243, 144, 243]
e1 = [120, 149, 26]
e2 = [218, 271, 68]
e3 = [314, 380, 148]
function plot_eps(p, x, y, color, label)
plot!(p, x, y, label = label, linecolor = color)
p = plot(xlabel = L"x[mm]", ylabel = L"\varepsilon_y [10^{-3}]")
plot_eps(p, x, e1, "red", L"\varepsilon_1")
plot_eps(p, x, e2, "blue", L"\varepsilon_2")
plot_eps(p, x, e3, "green", L"\varepsilon_3")
savefig(p, "p.tikz")
with this simple LaTeX code:
% Recommended preamble:
layers/standard/.define layer set={%
background,axis background,axis grid,axis ticks,axis lines,axis tick labels,pre main,main,axis descriptions,axis foreground%
grid style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis grid},%
tick style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis ticks},%
axis line style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis lines},%
label style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},%
legend style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},%
title style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},%
colorbar style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis descriptions},%
ticklabel style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis tick labels},%
axis background@ style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis background},%
3d box foreground style={/pgfplots/on layer=axis foreground},%
\caption{Caption 123}
produces pdf file where the plot’s appearance is disgusting
Is it Julia or LaTeX issue?
Also, how can I change the scaling of the .tikz file? The solution in “docs” doesn’t work for me as
doesn’t like .tikz files Backends · Plots
I could also complain about usefulness (or rather lack of) Julia packages documentation in general, but that’s another topic