I think there are two general issues: one (of which I’m guilty myself) is that Plots.jl contributors find many things very intuitive after a while and it’s difficult to tell what would be difficult/hard to find for a user; the other is that the community is much smaller than matlab’s, so googling is less helpful.
Other than browsing the docs, a very good tool is plotattr
julia> plotattr()
Specify an attribute type to get a list of supported attributes. Options are Series, Subplot, Plot, Axis
julia> plotattr(:Subplot)
Defined Subplot attributes are:
annotations, aspect_ratio, background_color_inside, background_color_legend, background_color_subplot, bottom_margin, camera, clims, color_palette, colorbar, colorbar_title, fontfamily_subplot, foreground_color_legend, foreground_color_subplot, foreground_color_title, framestyle, left_margin, legend, legendfontcolor, legendfontfamily, legendfonthalign, legendfontrotation, legendfontsize, legendfontvalign, legendtitle, margin, projection, right_margin, subplot_index, title, title_location, titlefontcolor, titlefontfamily, titlefonthalign, titlefontrotation, titlefontsize, titlefontvalign, top_margin
julia> plotattr("margin")
margin {Measure (multiply by `mm`, `px`, etc)}
Base for individual margins... not directly used. Specifies the extra padding around subplots.
Subplot attribute, default: 1.0mm
Though it doesn’t specify that you need using Measures
or using Plots.Measures
to have access to mm
or cm
If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the docs, you can ask in the gitter channel (or on slack) and you’ll probably receive an answer reasonably quickly. If you find that something relevant is missing from the docs, a PR to improve documentation is always very welcome (Plots.jl has an insane amount of features and even for its developers is hard to know all of them).