PlotlyJS: faceted density heatmaps


I am trying to replicate the code that produces a faceted density heatmap using the “tips” data frame. The code I am trying to replicate is this:

using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames
df = dataset(DataFrame, "tips")

    df, x=:total_bill, y=:tip, xbingroyp="x", ybingroup="y",  kind="histogram2d",
    facet_row=:sex, facet_col=:smoker

The plot associated with that code is next:

The data frame, named by me as dftips, looks like this (just the first 10 rows out of 244):

244×8 DataFrame
 Row │ total_bill  tip      sex     smoker  day     time    size   Column8
     │ Float64     Float64  String  String  String  String  Int64  Missing
   1 │      16.99     1.01  Female  No      Sun     Dinner      2  missing
   2 │      10.34     1.66  Male    No      Sun     Dinner      3  missing
   3 │      21.01     3.5   Male    No      Sun     Dinner      3  missing
   4 │      23.68     3.31  Male    No      Sun     Dinner      2  missing
   5 │      24.59     3.61  Female  No      Sun     Dinner      4  missing
   6 │      25.29     4.71  Male    No      Sun     Dinner      4  missing
   7 │       8.77     2.0   Male    No      Sun     Dinner      2  missing
   8 │      26.88     3.12  Male    No      Sun     Dinner      4  missing
   9 │      15.04     1.96  Male    No      Sun     Dinner      2  missing
  10 │      14.78     3.23  Male    No      Sun     Dinner      2  missing

My adapted piece of code that does not run is:

Plot(dftips, x=dftips.total_bill, y=dftips.tip, xbingroyp="x", ybingroup="y", kind="histogram2d",, facet_col=dftips.smoker)

However, I get the error:

TypeError: in keyword argument facet_row, expected Union{Missing, Symbol}, 
got a value of type PooledArrays.PooledVector{String, UInt32, Vector{UInt32}}

I replicated all the other examples using this data frame and PlotlyJS. I have no idea how to overcome this obstacle. Help will be very much appreciated.

If you are displaying the dataframe, df, from the first example that works, you can see that
“total_bill” and “tip” are column names. Hence your new example should be:

Plot(dftips, x= :total_bill, y=:tip, xbingroyp="x", ybingroup="y", kind="histogram2d",
    facet_row=:sex, facet_col=:smoker)

because perhaps the underlying low level code will take for x, y, facet_row and facet_col the corresponding column names from your passed dataframe, dftips.

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@empet, thanks. Your code works. Yesterday, I tried your code, and it threw out an error. As far as I can remember, I think it was “total_bill and tip not defined”. Probably, a stupid typo. Thank you.