How can I draw a 2-dimensional ellipse in a Makie plot?
Look up the equation , plug in your parameters and make a poly using the vector of points around the ellipse
I was also searching for a fast solutions for this, so I will just leave mine here to save time for others:
function getellipsepoints(cx, cy, rx, ry, θ)
t = range(0, 2*pi, length=100)
ellipse_x_r = @. rx * cos(t)
ellipse_y_r = @. ry * sin(t)
R = [cos(θ) sin(θ); -sin(θ) cos(θ)]
r_ellipse = [ellipse_x_r ellipse_y_r] * R
x = @. cx + r_ellipse[:,1]
y = @. cy + r_ellipse[:,2]
cx=1 # x-position of the center
cy=2 # y-position of the center
rx=5 # major radius
ry=2 # minor radius
θ=π/3 # angle to x axis
lines(getellipsepoints(cx, cy, rx, ry, θ)...)
But for me, what is more important is to draw an ellipse from a covariance matrix.
Something similar to covellipse from StatsPlots.jl
So I use the following:
function getellipsepoints(μ, Σ, confidence=0.95)
quant = quantile(Chisq(2), confidence) |> sqrt
cx = μ[1]
cy = μ[2]
egvs = eigvals(Σ)
if egvs[1] > egvs[2]
idxmax = 1
largestegv = egvs[1]
smallesttegv = egvs[2]
idxmax = 2
largestegv = egvs[2]
smallesttegv = egvs[1]
rx = quant*sqrt(largestegv)
ry = quant*sqrt(smallesttegv)
eigvecmax = eigvecs(Σ)[:,idxmax]
θ = atan(eigvecmax[2]/eigvecmax[1])
if θ < 0
θ += 2*π
getellipsepoints(cx, cy, rx, ry, θ)
Following an example with some data
mydat = let
μ_my = [10,3]
s = [2 2]
x = randn(334) # correlation comes from mhere
y1 = μ_my[1] .+ s[1] .* x .+ randn(334)
y2 = μ_my[2] .+ s[2] .* x .+ randn(334)
mydat = [y1 y2]
my_μ = [mean(mydat[:,1]), mean(mydat[:,2])]
my_Σ = cov(mydat)
f,_,_ = scatter(mydat[:,1], mydat[:,2])
lines!(getellipsepoints(my_μ, my_Σ)..., label="95% confidence interval")
lines!(getellipsepoints(my_μ, my_Σ,0.5)..., label="50% confidece interval")
or if you want it filled:
# or if you want it filled
f,_,_ = scatter(mydat[:,1], mydat[:,2])
poly!(Point2f.(zip(getellipsepoints(my_μ, my_Σ)...)); color=(:yellow, 0.5))
(code inspired from How to draw an error ellipse representing the covariance matrix?)
We could think about a recipe for this, ellipses are quite common. But maybe there exists something in GeometryBasics already? The easiest would be to do poly(::Ellipse)
in that case.
I agree that a recipe would be nice. From what I saw, I didn’t find an Ellipse in GeometryBasics.jl