Plot a column of 1D arrays from DataFrame using Gadfly

When I was browsing the docs, I came across the title method using vstack and hstack first before seeing the title guide. The method works well with the array comprehension over the flattened columns. subplot_grid looks good, too, but I’m not sure how to use it succinctly with my df that needs to be flattened over the cols to plot properly. Do you have a suggestion on how to use subplot_grid with this, so I can use just the bottom x-axis? Seems to me that I’d need to add all the flattened data from each of my y-columns to the same column, and label each row by its previous column name for ygroup.

I’m also interested in applying transparency to the lines. I see in an older post, there was no alpha aesthetic for Geom.line. This is still the case? Is there a convenient way you’d recommend adding that with the named color scheme?