Pkg3 and standard libraries

Where can I find the UUID of LinearAlgebra to add it my Project.toml?

I get this warning when I use my package:

┌ Warning: Package MatLang does not have LinearAlgebra in its dependencies:
│ - If you have MatLang checked out for development and have
│ added LinearAlgebra as a dependency but haven’t updated your primary
│ environment’s manifest file, try Pkg.resolve().
│ - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with
└ Loading LinearAlgebra into MatLang from project dependency, future warnings for MatLang are suppressed.

I found it in my Manifest in my environment folder. But it is still strange that I need to add these base packages to my deps

Not strange at all. Packages in stdlib are like other packages, except they come bundled with Julia.

It is very unlikely that you need to look up the UUID of LinearAlgebra, just pkg> activate your project, then pkg> add LinearAlgebra should do it. See the excellent docs at