I was wondering if there is an equivalent code for Pkg.installed("PackageName")
or Pkg.status("PackageName")
in Julia v1.0. I want to check the version of a package installed.
Enter the package repl mode with ]
, then
(v1.0) pkg> st
will show the contents of your current environment (i.e. a list of installed packages and their versions)
Anyway to do it for an individual package?
is available on Julia v1.0 too
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.installed()
Dict{String,Union{Nothing, VersionNumber}} with 4 entries:
"StaticArrays" => v"0.8.3"
"Documenter" => v"0.19.6+"
"Sandbox" => v"0.1.0"
"BenchmarkTools" => v"0.4.1"
This works :
using Pkg
julia> a=Pkg.installed()
Dict{String,Union{Nothing, VersionNumber}} with 13 entries:
"ReadStat" => v"0.4.1"
"BenchmarkTools" => v"0.4.2"
"Arpack" => v"0.3.1"
"WinRPM" => v"0.4.2"
"StatsBase" => v"0.32.0"
"HDF5" => v"0.12.1"
"IJulia" => v"1.19.0"
"Plots" => v"0.26.2"
"StatFiles" => v"0.8.0"
"XLSX" => v"0.5.4"
"DataFrames" => v"0.19.2"
"OnlineStats" => v"0.27.0"
"ApplicationBuilder" => v"0.4.0"
julia> "DataFrames" in keys(a)