Pkg and ssl certificates on Julia 0.7

For what it is worth, I am now working around this problem by cloning “GitHub - JuliaRegistries/General: The official registry of general Julia packages” into the registries folder from the Linux command-line (e.g. Bash):

git clone

Then, from Julia I can use the various Pkg commands, but where the following, hopefully harmless, warning is printed:

Updating git-repo ``
? Warning: Some registries failed to update:
?     ? myhome/.julia/registries/General ? failed to fetch from repo
?     ? myhome/.julia/registries/General ? failed to fetch from repo
? @ Pkg.API /buildworker/worker/package_linux64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.0/Pkg/src/API.jl:144

Then, I need to, periodically, do a git pull on the General repository to make sure I have the latest versions of packages.

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