I am trying to update julia packages in some environment I don’t fully control. I don’t have administrative access to root certificate store, and I can’t change the network – SSL requests to github are intercepted.
I can fix this with commandline usage of git by telling it to use a given CA certificate for requests to github.com, a la
git config --global http.https://github.com.sslCAInfo /path/to/some/cert
I can then confirm this works by cloning some repos. However, if I enter julia repl and try to instantiate my project, it fails like so:
pkg> instantiate
Cloning default registries into `~/.julia`
Cloning registry from "https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git"
ERROR: failed to clone from https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git, error: GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:None, No errors)
I use julia version 1.4.1 however I did try with many versions of julia (including old ones) and am unable to get this to work correctly. Is this something that is known about, and are there any workarounds?
Extra info: 9148 is firewalled off, so I can’t configure it to go via git:// instead. Same with ssh.