Pkg.add updates other packages too?

Thanks for referring me to the docs.

The current default option is: preserve=PRESERVE_TIERED
By “consent” I mean avoiding a default option for package resolution and instead asking the user to select an option in REPL.

Or maybe keep the default option in Pkg.add as is (with current warnings), but tell the user in Pkg.status() which package version is in the current environment and which version is the latest:

(@v1.6) pkg> status
      Status `C:\Users\azevelev\.julia\environments\v1.6\Project.toml`
              Package    Current   Latest
  [f6006082] `EvoTrees   v0.5.3    v0.7.0`
  [9bbee03b]  NaiveBayes v0.5.0    v0.5.0
  [add582a8] `MLJ        v0.15.2   v0.16.0`
  [d491faf4] `MLJModels  v0.13.3   v0.14.1` 

And highlight (in a different color?) which packages in the current environment are not the latest.

I think package resolution is one of the most common challenges faced by newcomers to Julia.

It would help if there was a standard parsimonious tutorial introducing package management to newcomers.