I am using Julia 1.6.1 and in help mode can not find <| documentation but can find .<| documentation and also can find <| in .<| documentaion.
The details as following:
and, as you show, when searching the help it does say the binding doesn’t exist (because apparently it doesn’t in a fresh Julia session)
What you’re showing in regards to .<| is just some auto-generated documentation for a generic infix operator, e.g. picking some other random undefined operator:
help?> .⟑
".⟑" can be typed by .\wedgedot<tab>
x .⟑ y is akin to broadcast(⟑, x, y). See broadcast.
julia> ∧
ERROR: UndefVarError: ∧ not defined
The docs for broadcasting via a dot are generated - they’re the same for all dotted operators (or rather, anything with a leading dot leads to those docs). The text of the docs are generated based on what follows the dot.