Coming from a world where I use dplyr a lot in R for my SQL type operation needs, I find myself very confused on how to use pipes in Julia. In R I would try very hard to have the data be the first argument in a function so I could pipe the return value straight into the next function and chain them together.
I have explored the |> operator in Julia and I often find it hard to use since so many functions seem to have data as the last/second argument. Even when trying to use DataFramesMeta functions which seem to work better with each other and make thing chainable, I still run into some odd issues.
Maybe the answer just is while in R/hadley’s world this was the way things were built and it is just not very Julia like, which would be okay, but then how do people go about doing a bunch of transformations without wrapping a ton of functions in more and more parentheses and/or reassigning each function to a variable and then applying the next function, rinse and repeat, it just seems repetitive.
I know this is a pretty open ended post but if anyone has some good workflow tips and/or pieces of code they have written that show that workflow I would be much appreciated, I want to start my Julia journey doing things the Julia way and not just trying to do what I did in R in Julia if that makes sense.