I recently moved Maxima.jl over to Pipe
based communication from TCPSocket
based communication and started getting Unicode errors. The communication layer sends messages back and forth between Julia and Maxima. Oddly, the Pipe
implementation can’t deal with Unicode character on Windows. Does the Pipe
somehow change the encoding of strings on Windows?
Here is some (unfortunately not very minimal) example code:
julia> input = Pipe();
julia> output = Pipe();
julia> proc = spawn(`maxima.bat -l sbcl`, (input, output, STDERR))
Process(`maxima.bat -l sbcl`, ProcessRunning)
julia> readavailable(output) |> String |> print
Maxima 5.39.0_2_g5a49f11_dirty http://maxima.sourceforge.net
using Lisp SBCL 1.3.12
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
julia> write(input, "1 + 1;")
julia> readavailable(output) |> String |> print
(%o1) 2
julia> write(input, "1 + π;")
julia> readavailable(output) |> String |> print
incorrect syntax: ? is not an infix operator
1 + �?
Any ideas would be appreciated!
(version is 0.5.1 if that could matter)