Pinv not Type Stable?

pinv reassigns tol after it is captured by a closure, I think that’s the reason. Closures often ruin inferrability because it’s understandably hard to infer a variable shared by 2 separate functions that get compiled separately. I don’t know all the cases where it is inferred (guaranteed reassignment before closure instantiation) and where it is not (conditional reassignment before closure, any reassignment after the closure).

I @evaled a pinv2 into LinearAlgebra that replaced the closure with a function that doesn’t capture tol: B[indB] .= ((x, toll) -> abs(x) > toll ? pinv(x) : zero(x)).(dA, tol). I haven’t compared the performance of these anonymous functions in isolation, so I don’t think it’s optimal. But the box vanished:

julia> @code_warntype LinearAlgebra.:(var"#pinv2#251")(0.0, (eps(real(float(1.1)))*min(3, 5))*iszero(0.0), LinearAlgebra.pinv2,rand(3, 5))
MethodInstance for LinearAlgebra.var"#pinv2#251"(::Float64, ::Float64, ::typeof(LinearAlgebra.pinv2), ::Matrix{Float64})
  from var"#pinv2#251"(atol::Real, rtol::Real, ::typeof(LinearAlgebra.pinv2), A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T in LinearAlgebra at REPL[16]:1

EDIT: the least disruptive change to accomplish the same inferability would be to keep the closure, but alter the captured variable so it’s not reassigned afterward.

        tol_diag_branch = max(rtol * maxabsA, atol)
        B[indB] .= (x -> abs(x) > tol_diag_branch ? pinv(x) : zero(x)).(dA)
        # do not reassign tol_diag_branch, so parser lets compiler infer it