Matrix and Vector{SVector} are synonymous. You can independently update data[i][k]===asmat[k,i] for different k, same i, in different threads without any races; syntax that makes this hard without pointer-games is a shortcoming of julia, not the machine.
Today’s syntax requires us to “overwrite” the entirety of data[i] with the copied values. In 99% of the cases, the compiler removes the spurious reads and writes, such that this update only affects the single memory address of data[i][k]. If both threads try to update data[i][k1] and data[i][k2] at the same time, and the compiler was clever, there is no race condition. If the compiler was unclever, we get a race condition (e.g. thread one reads data[i][k1] and then stores it back, overwriting the update by thread two).
Yuyichao explained the current state in there and linked to the PR I really hope for Keno’s fix to be accepted at some point, in some variant.
Reinterpreting a matrix is a one-liner; dealing with fieldoffsets in Vector{some_struct} is much, much worse syntax.