Performance optimization of a custom binning function

materializes a vector of Bools of length(x), hence the slowdown.

But, there is still a bit more to optimize, as:

still searches the vector x from the start each time, and not from the last position - this is a O(n^2) time algo and when x grows it will get worse.

On a different matter, looking at the bin counts in the results:

julia> ans2 = bin2(x, y, xbin_edges)
([0.05250221420254687, 0.15445935346995493, 0.2509019085421154, 0.34946848820087534, 0.4489906779469514, 0.5480592397942313, 0.6459265647762795, 0.7482272000306962, 0.8492190264532677, 0.0], [0.479559946078053; 0.5409834483815402; … ; 0.49189476192543485; 0.0;;], [100, 95, 95, 106, 107, 112, 99, 91, 87, 0])

julia> sum([100, 95, 95, 106, 107, 112, 99, 91, 87, 0])

892 isn’t a good sum, as it is, eh… less than 1000. This is a correctness bug.

Here is another version, which hopefully addresses this bug (and adds some others probs):

function bin3(
    method::F = mean,
) where {F<:Function}
    issorted(xbin_edges; lt = <) || error("xbin_edges not sorted")
    ndims(y) > 2 && error("y must be a vector or matrix")
    size(x, 1) == size(y, 1) || error("x and y must have the same number of rows")
    # sort along x for faster binning
    if !issorted(x)
        p = sortperm(x)
        x = x[p]
        y = y[p]
    # initialize outputs
    n_bin = length(xbin_edges) - 1
    ind = zeros(Int, n_bin + 1)
    i, bi = 1, 1
    for be in xbin_edges
        ff = findfirst(β‰₯(be), @view x[i:end])
        if isnothing(ff)
            ind[bi] = length(x)
        ind[bi] = ff + i - 1
        bi += 1
        i += ff
    last_bin = bi - 1
    x_binned = zeros(eltype(x), n_bin)
    y_binned = zeros(eltype(y), n_bin, size(y, 2))
    bin_count = zeros(Int, size(x_binned))
    # find binned values
    for i = 1:last_bin
        bin_count[i] = ind[i+1] - ind[i]
        x_binned[i] = method(@view x[ind[i]:(ind[i+1]-1)])
        y_binned[i, :] = method((@view y[ind[i]:(ind[i+1]-1), :]), dims = 1)

    return x_binned, y_binned, bin_count

Edit: As PeterSimon pointed out, using findnext would be more readable (should have remembered this).


Also, [findfirst(x .>= be for be in xbin_edges for be in xbin_edges] creates a new true/false vector for each entry in xbin_edges. Better to pass a function as the first argument of findfirst and avoid all the allocations.

Edit: Crossed paths with Dan’s post, which pointed out the same thing. Yes, one could use findnext iteratively to avoid the inefficiency of multiple findfirst calls.


findfirst actually gives an O(n*m) algorithm with n = length(x) and m = length(xbin_edges). As an improvement one might use searchsortedfirst(x, be) instead which should be able to exploit the fact that x is sorted. It does not address the correctness bug, but should presumably run in O(m * log n), i.e., even better than O(n) if m << n.


searchsortedfirst should be a O(log n) binary search, so theoretically faster than O(n), but specific instance and hardware performance issues will determine faster approach.

Interestingly, a searchsortedguess version could be made which assumes some sort of β€œuniform” distribution of x and tries to binary search with bias towards a guessed location of the next bin cutoff. This might be going on a tangent though.

Edit: Again, cross-posting with bertschi about the log(N)-ess of sorted search.

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In this case this is intentional as we only want bins to include data within bin limits… even if the bin limits do not cover the full range of data

julia> xbin_edges

julia> extrema(x)
(0.0006307304436002914, 0.9988458402204999)

The bins include all the data in this test case.

Good catch!

Thanks all for taking the time… I learned a ton! Very much appreciated.

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Found a couple of more mistakes… this is what I settled on, posting for anyone that comes next:

function bin(
    method::F = mean,
) where {F<:Function}
    issorted(xbin_edges; lt = <) || error("xbin_edges not sorted")
    ndims(y) > 2 && error("y must be a vector or matrix")
    size(x, 1) == size(y, 1) || error("x and y must have the same number of rows")
    # sort along x for faster binning
    if !issorted(x)
        p = sortperm(x)
        x = x[p]
        y = y isa Vector ? y[p] : y[p,:]

    # initialize outputs
    n_bin = length(xbin_edges) - 1
    ind = zeros(Int, n_bin + 1)
    i, bi = 1, 1
    for be in xbin_edges
        ff = searchsortedfirst((@view x[i:end]), be)
        if isnothing(ff)
            ind[bi] = length(x) + 1
        ind[bi] = ff + i - 1
        bi += 1
        i += ff - 1 
    last_bin = bi - 2
    x_binned = zeros(eltype(x), n_bin)
    y_binned = zeros(eltype(y), n_bin, size(y, 2))
    bin_count = zeros(Int, size(x_binned))

    # find binned values
    for i = 1:last_bin
        bin_count[i] = ind[i+1] - ind[i]
        if bin_count[i] > 0
            x_binned[i] = method(@view x[ind[i]:(ind[i+1]-1)])
            y_binned[i, :] = method((@view y[ind[i]:(ind[i+1]-1), :]), dims = 1)

    return x_binned, y_binned, bin_count
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Just another few remarks on the searchsortedfirst piece:

  1. According to the docs searchsortedfirst already returns lastindex(x) + 1 if all values of x are greater than be, i.e., the if isnothing(ff) block will be unreachable.

  2. Changing the start index i in searchsortedfirst((@view x[i:end]), be) seems unnecessary as it will only cutoff a few steps in the binary search compared to searchsortedfirst(x, be) – the search is O(log n) after all – at the expense of additional complexity of keeping track of the indices in your code and some overhead from @view x[i:end] which also needs to map sub-indices to the parent array on each access.

In any case, the best algorithm surely depends on your use case, i.e., the sizes of x and xbin_edges. I.e., for short vectors x an O(n) search exploiting that both x and xbin_edges are sorted could be faster than the binary search of searchsortedfirst due to memory locality (binary search does random access in any case). Have not benchmarked this though …


Since performance juice has been squeezed from this function. Here is another version that taps some succinctness juice:

using StatsBase, BlockedArrays

x = rand(1000); y = rand(1000); xbin_edges = 0:0.1:1; method = :mean

function bin4(x, y, b, f = mean)
    p = sortperm(mortar([x,b]))
    bins = findall(p.>length(x))
    bin_count = diff(bins).-1
    x_binned = f.(x[p[bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1]] for i in 1:length(b)-1)
    y_binned = f.(y[p[bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1],:] for i in 1:length(b)-1)
    return x_binned, y_binned, bin_count

Gives similar results:

julia> ans4 = bin4(x, y, xbin_edges)
([0.05121915383957467, 0.14802010669692384, 0.25479136196099045, 0.3534202855299341, 0.44822152654780295, 0.5520721732892945, 0.6471681681318727, 0.7462173706421277, 0.8528325708490744, 0.9481594827553909], 
 [0.4935288649339929, 0.4978985328343402, 0.5233712241230352, 0.5127680432385109, 0.5095357581410285, 0.5337653237252364, 0.5257035473226342, 0.508290731656027, 0.5080514760215488, 0.4612049530088362],
 [69, 108, 107, 97, 109, 104, 99, 101, 99, 107])

This version can also be optimized a bit for performance (but it isn’t too bad).

Taking into account @bertschi comments and simplifying gives a highly performant and readable solution:

function bin5(
    method::F = mean,
) where {F<:Function}
    issorted(xbin_edges; lt = <) || error("xbin_edges not sorted")
    ndims(y) > 2 && error("y must be a vector or matrix")
    size(x, 1) == size(y, 1) || error("x and y must have the same number of rows")
    # sort along x for faster binning
    if !issorted(x)
        p = sortperm(x)
        x = x[p]
        y = y isa Vector ? y[p] : y[p,:]

    # initialize outputs
    ind = Int[searchsortedfirst(x, be) for be in xbin_edges]
    n_bin = length(xbin_edges) - 1
    x_binned = zeros(eltype(x), n_bin)
    y_binned = zeros(eltype(y), n_bin, size(y, 2))
    bin_count = zeros(Int, size(x_binned))
    # find binned values
    for i = 1:n_bin
        bin_count[i] = ind[i+1] - ind[i]
        if bin_count[i] > 0
            x_binned[i] = method(@view x[ind[i]:(ind[i+1]-1)])
            y_binned[i, :] = method((@view y[ind[i]:(ind[i+1]-1), :]), dims = 1)

    return x_binned, y_binned, bin_count
using Statistics, BenchmarkTools
n = 1000;
x = rand(n); y = rand(n); xbin_edges = 0:0.1:1;
@benchmark bin5(x, y, xbin_edges; method=mean)
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 1 evaluation.
 Range (min … max):  31.718 ΞΌs …   9.859 ms  β”Š GC (min … max): 0.00% … 99.45%
 Time  (median):     34.044 ΞΌs               β”Š GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean Β± Οƒ):   41.035 ΞΌs Β± 179.824 ΞΌs  β”Š GC (mean Β± Οƒ):  8.72% Β±  1.99%

  β–…β–ˆβ–ˆβ–†β–„β–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–†β–†β–„β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–ƒβ–ƒβ–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–‚β–β–‚β–β–‚β–‚ β–ƒ
  31.7 ΞΌs         Histogram: frequency by time         81.6 ΞΌs <

Very compact solution that I’m sure could be optimized but as is runs about 100 times slower

Turns out, I had only to give up on using clever BlockedArrays, and the compact function actually benchmarked faster than bin5:

function bin4(x, y, b, f = mean)
    p = sortperm(vcat(x,b))
    bins = findall(p.>length(x))
    x_binned = [f(x[p[k]] for k in bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1)
                  for i in 1:length(b)-1]
    y_binned = [f(y[p[k],t] for k in bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1)
                  for i in 1:length(b)-1, t in 1:size(y,2)]
    return x_binned, y_binned, diff(bins).-1

(and it doesn’t need sorted bin_edges)

julia> @btime bin4($x, $y, $xbin_edges);
  41.895 ΞΌs (14 allocations: 21.52 KiB)

julia> @btime bin5($x, $y, $xbin_edges);
  46.254 ΞΌs (118 allocations: 40.41 KiB)

Edit: Sacrificing clarity, the function can be made to fit into the 7-line category of this thread :

function bin6line(x, y, b, f = mean)
    p = sortperm(vcat(x,b))
    bins = findall(p.>length(x))
    aggr = @views [f(z[p[bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1]]) for i in 1:length(b)-1, z in (x, eachcol(y)...) ]
    return @view(aggr[:,1]), @view(aggr[:,2:end]), diff(bins).-1

Bravo… that’s impressive. I get about a 7% improvement in speed with this one… and in so few lines. Though I like more descriptive variable names for readability.

Should be

bins = findall(>(length(x)), p) 

to avoid unnecessary temporary array.

@DNF: it has crossed my mind, but the other form is cleaner and benchmarking showed no difference. In fact, on a side note, why is there no difference in the following?

julia> vv  = rand(1:100,10_000);

julia> @btime findall($vv.>99);
  6.475 ΞΌs (4 allocations: 6.42 KiB)

julia> @btime findall(>(99), $vv);
  6.531 ΞΌs (4 allocations: 6.42 KiB)

(Julia 1.8.3)

The more interesting question is how to speed up the next line aggr = @view… ?

@alex-s-gardner : To get better naming, returning a named-tuple seems nice, especially since elements of tuple have different types. Something like:

(x_binned = @view(aggr[:,1]), y_binned = @view(aggr[:,2:end]), bin_count = diff(bins).-1)

as last bin6 line (other versions can be adapted similarly). Doing so allows destructuring into different vars, or accessing fields namefullly.

TL-CP (too long, just let me copy-paste please):

using Statistics, BenchmarkTools

function bin5(
    method::F = mean,
) where {F<:Function}
    issorted(xbin_edges; lt = <) || error("xbin_edges not sorted")
    ndims(y) > 2 && error("y must be a vector or matrix")
    size(x, 1) == size(y, 1) || error("x and y must have the same number of rows")
    # sort along x for faster binning
    if !issorted(x)
        p = sortperm(x)
        x = x[p]
        y = y isa Vector ? y[p] : y[p,:]

    # initialize outputs
    ind = Int[searchsortedfirst(x, be) for be in xbin_edges]
    n_bin = length(xbin_edges) - 1
    x_binned = zeros(eltype(x), n_bin)
    y_binned = zeros(eltype(y), n_bin, size(y, 2))
    bin_count = zeros(Int, size(x_binned))
    # find binned values
    for i = 1:n_bin
        bin_count[i] = ind[i+1] - ind[i]
        if bin_count[i] > 0
            x_binned[i] = method(@view x[ind[i]:(ind[i+1]-1)])
            y_binned[i, :] = method((@view y[ind[i]:(ind[i+1]-1), :]), dims = 1)

    return x_binned, y_binned, bin_count

function bin4(x, y, b, f = mean)
    p = sortperm(vcat(x,b))
    bins = findall(p.>length(x))
    x_binned = [f(x[p[k]] for k in bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1)
                  for i in 1:length(b)-1]
    y_binned = [f(y[p[k],t] for k in bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1)
                  for i in 1:length(b)-1, t in 1:size(y,2)]
    return x_binned, y_binned, diff(bins).-1

function bin6(x, y, b, f = mean)
    p = sortperm(vcat(x,b))
    bins = findall(>(length(x)), p)
    aggr = @views [f(z[p[bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1]]) for i in 1:length(b)-1, z in (x, eachcol(y)...) ]
    (x_binned = @view(aggr[:,1]), y_binned = @view(aggr[:,2:end]), bin_count = diff(bins).-1)

n = 1000;
x = rand(n); y = rand(n); xbin_edges = 0:0.1:1;

display(@benchmark bin5(x, y, xbin_edges; method=mean));
display(@benchmark bin4(x, y, xbin_edges));
display(@benchmark bin6(x, y, xbin_edges));
; # that's all

ADDENDUM: This calculation can also be done with DataFrames (or any DB-like interface) as it is a GroupBy like operation. So:

using DataFrames

dfbin(x, y, b, f = mean) =
      DataFrame(x=x,y=collect(eachrow(y)); copycols=false), 
      :x => ByRow(x -> searchsortedfirst(b,x)) => :bin
    ), :bin; sort=true), 
    Not(:bin) .=> (reduced(c) = f(c,dims=1)), :bin => length => :bin_count;

and we have:

julia> dfbin(x,y,xbin_edges)
10Γ—3 DataFrame
 Row β”‚ x_reduced  y_reduced   bin_count 
     β”‚ Float64    Array…      Int64     
   1 β”‚ 0.0434871  [0.541275]         92
   2 β”‚ 0.151771   [0.521445]         85
   3 β”‚ 0.250651   [0.5025]          113
   4 β”‚ 0.346103   [0.440693]        107
   5 β”‚ 0.446809   [0.523061]        111
   6 β”‚ 0.555471   [0.491154]         89
   7 β”‚ 0.649694   [0.483566]         91
   8 β”‚ 0.751556   [0.44833]         102
   9 β”‚ 0.850171   [0.555502]        105
  10 β”‚ 0.948096   [0.535546]        105

It is slower (around 10x), but maybe optimization possible, especially if data comes from DataFrame already.

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Yeah, I find that odd as well, particularly that the allocations are the exactly the same every time.

In fact, this is really odd:

julia> vv = rand(1:100, 10_000);

julia> @btime findall(>(101), $vv);
  4.900 ΞΌs (4 allocations: 5.61 KiB)

julia> findall(>(101), vv)

Looked in the source:

findall(testf::F, A::AbstractArray) where {F<:Function} = findall(testf.(A))



These two lines are so elegant

@Dan Note that we lost out check for empty bins, need something like:

# find bin breakpoints
    p = sortperm(vcat(x, xbin_edges))
    bins = findall(>(length(x)), p)
    bin_count = diff(bins).-1
    # calculate binned metrics
    x_binned = [(bin_count[i] > 0) ? method(x[p[bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1]]) : 0 for i in 1:length(xbin_edges)-1]
    y_binned = [(bin_count[i] > 0) ? method(y[p[bins[i]+1:bins[i+1]-1]]) : 0 for i in 1:length(xbin_edges)-1]