Performance of Linear Programming Problem

Hi everybody! I am trying to improve the performance of a conventional Linear Programming Problem which I am solving by calling Gurobi through JuMP. A MWE is the following

using JuMP, Ipopt, Optim, LinearAlgebra, Random, Distributions, Gurobi, BenchmarkTools

Ι = 500
J = 50

const GUROBI_ENV = Gurobi.Env()

function solve_model()
	model = Model(with_optimizer(Gurobi.Optimizer, GUROBI_ENV); add_bridges = false)

#Create a vector of productivities


# Create a Matrix of Distances

function distmat(J,Ι)
    Distances = zeros(J,Ι)
    coordinates_market = 100*rand(J,2)
    coordinates_plant = 100*rand(Ι,2)
    for j = 1:J, l=1:Ι
        Distances[j,l] = sqrt((coordinates_market[j,1]-coordinates_plant[l,1])^2+(coordinates_market[j,2]-coordinates_plant[l,2])^2)
    return 1 .+ Distances./100

τ = distmat(J,Ι)

function solving_min_constraints_primal(Cap,Q,τ,z)
    (J,Ι) = size(τ)
    primal_capacity = solve_model()
    #set_optimizer_attribute(primal_capacity, "nlp_scaling_method", "none")
    @variable(primal_capacity, x[1:J,1:Ι] >= 0)
    @objective(primal_capacity, Min, sum((τ[:,i]'*x[:,i])/z[i] for i=1:Ι) )

    for j=1:J
		@constraint(primal_capacity, sum(x[j,:]) == Q[j])

    for i=1:Ι
		@constraint(primal_capacity, τ[:,i]'*x[:,i] <= Cap[i])


    return objective_value(primal_capacity), value.(x)


res_primal = @btime solving_min_constraints_primal(ones(Ι).*1.1,ones(J),τ,z)

92.057 ms (701849 allocations: 56.02 MiB)

Is there any performance recommendation to improve the speed of this code? Is there a way to reduce the number of allocations as much as possible? Are there any gains from vectorizing stuff and writing things in terms of matrices (my own attempts seem to suggest that no)? Although, I have not explored if there is an improvement related to the Sparsity of the constraints.

Any help would be very much appreciated!

Are there any gains from vectorizing stuff and writing things in terms of matrices (my own attempts seem to suggest that no)?


Two suggestions:

  1. Use profiling to identify where the time is spent. You can use JuMP.solve_time to query the time that Gurobi reports spending on actually solving the problem. If this number is a majority of the 92ms, then there’s no reason to try optimizing JuMP more.

  2. Try JuMP.direct_model instead of JuMP.Model. This removes a translation layer at the expense of less flexibility in modeling, which the above code doesn’t need.