Hi everyone,
I’m working on simulating trajectories of a Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) and calculating sensitivities using automatic differentiation. I’m comparing two approaches:
- Custom GBM implementation where I directly simulate the solution.
- Using
to solve the Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) form of GBM, leveraging its built-in methods.
While I expected the second approach to be slower, the performance difference is significant. I was wondering if there’s a way to optimize the performance when using DifferentialEquations.jl
Here’s my code where I compare the two approaches and calculate gradients using ForwardDiff.jl
using BenchmarkTools
using ForwardDiff
using DifferentialEquations
# Function to compute value and derivatives using ForwardDiff
function value_and_derivatives(f, x; second_order=false)
if second_order
# Compute the value, gradient, and Hessian
hess_result = DiffResults.HessianResult(x)
ForwardDiff.hessian!(hess_result, f, x)
val = DiffResults.value(hess_result)
grad = DiffResults.gradient(hess_result)
hess = DiffResults.hessian(hess_result)
return val, grad, hess
# Compute the value and gradient only
grad_result = DiffResults.GradientResult(x)
ForwardDiff.gradient!(grad_result, f, x)
val = DiffResults.value(grad_result)
grad = DiffResults.gradient(grad_result)
return val, grad
# Custom GBM simulation function
function gbm(S₀, K, μ, σ, N, dt, trajectories)
drift = (μ - 0.5 * σ^2) * dt
diffusion = σ * sqrt(dt)
S = zeros(eltype(K), trajectories, N + 1)
S[:, 1] .= S₀
out = 0.0
for i in 1:trajectories
for j in 2:N+1
z = randn() # Generate a random standard normal variable
S[i, j] = S[i, j - 1] * exp(drift + diffusion * z)
out += max(S[i, end] - K, 0.0) # Calculate the payoff
return out / trajectories # Return the average payoff
# Function to simulate GBM using DifferentialEquations.jl
function gbm_diffeq(x, prob, trajectories)
_prob = remake(prob, u0 = x[1], p = @view x[3:4]) # Update the problem with new parameters
__prob = EnsembleProblem(_prob)
S = Array(solve(__prob, trajectories=trajectories, saveat=1.0)) # Solve the SDE
out = 0.0
for i in 1:trajectories
out += max(S[end, i] - x[2], 0.0) # Calculate the payoff
return out / trajectories # Return the average payoff
# SDE functions (drift and diffusion)
function f(u, p, t)
return u * p[1] # Drift: μ * S
function g(u, p, t)
return u * p[2] # Diffusion: σ * S
# Problem setup
u0 = 1.0 # Initial value
p = [0.1, 0.2] # Parameters [μ, σ]
prob = SDEProblem(f, g, u0, (0.0, 1.0), p) # Define the SDE problem
# Parameters for the custom GBM simulation
S0 = 100.0 # Initial stock price
K = 90.0 # Strike price
μ = 0.05 # Drift (μ)
σ = 0.2 # Volatility (σ)
T = 1.0 # Time horizon
N = 100 # Number of time steps
dt = T / N # Time step size
trajectories = 100_000 # Number of trajectories
# Input vector for GBM simulations
x = [S0, K, μ, σ, T]
# Define the functions for benchmarking
out(x) = gbm(x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], N, dt, trajectories)
out_diffeq(x) = gbm_diffeq(x, prob, trajectories)
# Benchmark the performance
@btime $out($x)
@btime $out_diffeq($x)
# Compute values and gradients using ForwardDiff
@btime $value_and_derivatives($out, $x) # Takes 2.663 ms (11 allocations: 13.73 MiB)
@btime $value_and_derivatives($out_diffeq, $x) # Takes 16.159 s (7498529 allocations: 991.04 MiB)
I’m looking for any tips or optimizations that can help improve the performance of the DifferentialEquations.jl
approach. Let me know if you have any suggestions!