Let’s say I created some package MyPackage
that I would like to interact with a package TheirPackage
that I did not create. Is there any way to override some of the functions of TheirPackage
without having to add TheirPackage
to MyPackage
’s dependencies? For example, if MyPackage
has a type
struct MyVectorType{T} <: AbstractVector{T}
Base.setindex!(x::MyVectorType, v, ind...) = setindex!(x.arr, v, ind...)
Base.getindex(x::MyVectorType, ind...) = getindex(x.arr, ind...)
Base.length(x::MyVectorType) = length(x.arr)
Base.size(x::MyVectorType) = size(x.arr)
and TheirPackage
has a function that isn’t generic enough to take in any AbstractVector
but probably should be
theirfunction(x::Vector) = x.^2
Is there a way to extend
TheirPackage.theirfunction(x::AbstractVector) = x.^2
or, I guess more safely
TheirPackage.theirfunction(x::MyVectorType) = x.^2
so if someone just happened to want to use MyVectorType
with TheirPackage
they could? Since the purpose of MyPackage
is more general than just using it with TheirPackage
, it doesn’t make sense to have it as a dependency. I guess this is something close to what recipes are for Plots.jl
The only thing I can think of is defining a new package MyPackagePatches
that can be imported for users who want to use MyPackage
with packages that need patching, but that seems pretty convoluted.