We know in Julia structs are passed by reference, and this is also the case in StaticCompiler.jl
using StaticTools
using StaticCompiler
struct StudentInfo
id(student::StudentInfo) = student.id
compile_shlib(id, (StudentInfo,))
# The following line is wrong: Julia functions only accept pointers to structs
# It likely gives you some nonsense like 1461676824
@ccall "./id.so".id(StudentInfo(c"Lucas", 14)::StudentInfo)::Cint
# The following line is right
@ccall "./id.so".id(Ref(StudentInfo(c"Lucas", 14))::Ref{StudentInfo})::Cint
Now suppose I’m to write a library that is static enough to be compiled by StaticCompiler
and might be called by non-Julia codes, like a C++ project. Suppose I want to pass a 3D vector (a composite type, but a small one) to a function in the library. In Julia this can be easily done as in my_function(SVector{3, Float64}(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
; in C/C++, however, you can’t write my_function(Point{1.0, 2.0, 3.0})
where Point
is appropriately defined: you have to pass a pointer to my_function
, which makes the code verbose.
Is there any way to let a Julia function recognize an incoming immutable composite type variable as a value, not a pointer? If this is not supported currently (it seems to be not supported), is there any inherent obstruction that prevents this from being done in the future?