I have an objective function that solves for a vector z
using an iterative algorithm. I then feed this into optimize()
. I can use a “static” starting guess z0
that I set before calling optimize
. However, it might be faster to use the actual z
obtained the last time optimize
called the objective function. The idea is that often optimize
is calculating numerical gradients so the new z
will be very close.
I can probably achieve this using a global for z0
, but I was wondering
(A) whether this can be achieved more cleanly, and
(B) if there are reasons to not do this altogether.
For this application, I can prove that z
is unique (and hence the starting condition does not matter except for speed).
Here is a MWE (note, in the real application, I cannot solve z
analytically as is the case here, so I do need to iterate)
function mylossfn(delta, xgrid, z0, z_data)
z = z0
error = 1.0
# solve Bellman equation by iteration
# (in the real application there is no closed form soln)
while error > 1e-8
z_next = (xgrid .^ 2) .+ delta .* z
error = sum( (z .- z_next).^2 )
# loss function
return sum( (z .- z_data).^2 )
xgrid = 1:100
myz0 = zeros(100)
# read my_z_data from a data file
delta0 = 0.5
optimize((x -> mylossfn(x, myz0, my_z_data)),