Both types above can be modified, if it’s necessary for this to work. I tried:
function test(stimuli)
@ccall "".test(stimuli::Ptr{Stimuli})::Cvoid
function test(stimuli)
@ccall "".test(stimuli::Ref{Stimuli})::Cvoid
and none of them work. I had it working by passing individual pointers to arrays and wrapping bits-types in a struct, but I don’t know how to put everything into a single struct.
There’s no advantage for using Cfloat instead of Float32, just keep using whatever you were using is perfectly fine. There’s absolutely nothing system dependent about either and that’s totally unrelated with anything here.
There’s also nothing significant you need to change to the declaration of the type to either the julia type or the C type, as long as you are only passing the data from julia to C and letting julia manage the memory. (If you are letting C allocating something and passing it back to julia that’ll change things a bit.) since the one you have on the julia side is pretty much the most straight forward way to manage the memory and the one you have on the C side is what you’d have for reading and mutating the data. (the pointer type makes no significance in the ABI so you should probably change the C type to have easeir to use pointer types but that has no effect on how you pass things around)
The only thing you need is to create the C struct on the ccall callsite. If you could, it’s of course easier to just pass in the fields individually since you don’t need to repack the pointers into a struct, though this may not be a solution if you have a lot of such calls.
So now the only problem you need to solve is to create a julia structure that matches struct Stimuli { ... }; in C. After that, you can write unsafe/pseudo code that does the ccall sth like.
The only reason the code above is invalid is because julia_struct will not be kepth valid by the compiler, and you need GC.@preserve julia_struct begin <code above> end to make it valid.
From there you can go one step further and figure out how to define cconvert and unsafe_convert so that you don’t have to use GC.@preserve manually.
And that’s entirely irrelavant for float. Also, if the julia size uses Int and if the C side is free to change like in this case, the correct solution is to make sure the C types matches.
If you agree it’s irrelavant, then please don’t add noise to an otherwise already non-trivial topic, feel free to start a new one. It’s also an ill advice to “always use the aliases” and as I said especially in this case where making C code match julia code is an option. The advice is not only irrelavant, it’s wrong for this specific thread.