Hi there,
Let’s say I have a matrix of size 20x10. What is the best way to partition this matrix into batches of 20x2? In an ideal world I would like to have them structured as Array{Array{Float32,2},1}
, leading to one row per batch. But I can not seem to get this working…
Here’s what I had in mind
matrix = zeros(20, 10)
batchsize = 2
result = Array{Array{Float32,2},1}
for i in 1:batchsize:size(matrix, 2)
first_col = i
last_col = i + batchsize - 1
if last_col > size(matrix, 2)
batch_i_matrix = matrix[:, first_col:size(matrix, 2)]
batch_i_matrix = matrix[:,first_col:last_col]
append!(result, batch_i_matrix)
So everything here works fine up until where I want to “store” the sub matrices. The append!
methods is telling me there is a MethodError:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching append!(::Type{Array{Array{Float32,2},1}}, ::Array{Float64,2})
Closest candidates are:
append!(::BitArray{1}, ::Any) at bitarray.jl:766
append!(::DataFrames.DataFrame, ::Any; cols, promote) at /home/wuyts/.julia/packages/DataFrames/3ZmR2/src/other/tables.jl:50
append!(::PooledArrays.PooledArray{T,R,1,RA} where RA where R where T, ::AbstractArray) at /home/wuyts/.julia/packages/PooledArrays/yiLq3/src/PooledArrays.jl:385
[1] top-level scope at ./REPL[144]:11
After this error I thought that maybe changing this append!
statement to append!(result, [batch_i_matrix])
, which returns the exact same type as the type I want to append to, but no luck.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks,