Parsing of mysql timestamps

I am querying a table with a timestamp:

data = DBInterface.execute(database, sql)
df = DataFrame(data)

But I get :

ERROR: LoadError: error parsing DateTime from "2022-01-04 15:08:44.171540"

How can I tell DataFrame how to parse these timestamps

DataFrame constructor does not parse timestamps. Please show a full stack trace, so that it is possible to identify the source of the problem. Most likely it is on data base driver side.

You need to truncate the string first, Julia can only cope with 3dp for subseconds in this kind of conversion

julia> DateTime("2022-01-04 15:08:44.171540"[1:23], "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.sss")

julia> DateTime("2022-01-04 15:08:44.171540"[1:24], "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.ssss")
ERROR: InexactError: convert(Dates.Decimal3, 1715)

Thanks for the replies. I thought that Dataframes did’nt cast types as well it is probaly the DBInterface. This is the full stacktrace. The columnames are obfuscated and replaced by :Columns.

 [1] error(s::String)
    @ Base .\error.jl:33
  [2] casterror(T::Type, ptr::Ptr{UInt8}, len::UInt32)
    @ MySQL C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\MySQL\0vHyV\src\execute.jl:53
  [3] cast(#unused#::Type{DateTime}, ptr::Ptr{UInt8}, len::UInt32)       
    @ MySQL C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\MySQL\0vHyV\src\execute.jl:76
  [4] cast
    @ C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\MySQL\0vHyV\src\execute.jl:32 [inlined]
  [5] getcolumn
    @ C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\MySQL\0vHyV\src\execute.jl:100 [inlined]
  [6] eachcolumns
    @ C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\Tables\PxO1m\src\utils.jl:111 [inlined]
  [7] buildcolumns(schema::Tables.Schema{(:Columnames), Tuple{String, Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, String}, Union{Missing, DateTime}}}, rowitr::MySQL.TextCursor{true})
    @ Tables C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\Tables\PxO1m\src\fallbacks.jl:135
  [8] columns
    @ C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\Tables\PxO1m\src\fallbacks.jl:251 [inlined]
  [9] DataFrame(x::MySQL.TextCursor{true}; copycols::Nothing)
    @ DataFrames C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\DataFrames\MA4YO\src\other\tables.jl:58
 [10] DataFrame(x::MySQL.TextCursor{true})
    @ DataFrames C:\Users\lheinz\.julia\packages\DataFrames\MA4YO\src\other\tables.jl:49
 [11] top-level scope
    @ c:\Users\lheinz\FlowDashboard.jl\test.jl:40
in expression starting at c:\Users\lheinz\FlowDashboard.jl\test.jl:40

Thanks for all the help

The problem is with that calls Parsers.jl. Probably the reason is as commented above with the date format. I guess that @quinnj can diagnose the issue best.

Is there a workaround to this?

I will try to ping @quinnj to have a look at it.

There’s a new keyword argument to support sub-millisecond timestamps coming from MySQL; you can do: DBInterface.execute(conn, sql; mysql_date_and_time=true). This will result in timestamp columns being of type MySQL.DateAndTime, which is simply defined as:

struct DateAndTime <: Dates.AbstractDateTime

so you can unpack that struct into separate Date and Time components as needed.


FYI, my workaround was to do this in the mysql query select DATE(ts) as date, time_format(time(ts),'%T')) - but I like your solution much better!