I have some global constants which I want to read from ENV or define with a default value.
I pass a parameter to the macro and want to put it into a string in the output expression.
When I use "$($name)"
then I get "$(VALUE)"
When I use "$(name)"
then I get "$(name)"
I want to to get back "VALUE"
Define constant directly:
const CONST1 = UInt16(10)
Parse value from ENV or default from code:
const CONST2 = parse(UInt16, get(ENV, "CONST2", "20"))
Automate using macro - can’t get it to work…
macro const_from_env(const_name::Symbol, const_type::Symbol, default_value)
ex = quote
const $(const_name) = parse($(const_type),
get(ENV, "$($const_name)", "$($default_value)"))
@show ex
@const_from_env CONST3 UInt16 30
actual output:
ex = quote
const CONST3 = parse(UInt16, get(ENV, "$(const_name)", "$(30)"))
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: const_name not defined
desired output:
ex = quote
const CONST3 = parse(UInt16, get(ENV, "CONST3", "30"))