Is it possible to specify the signature of a function?
# mycall : (A -> B) -> A -> B
mycall(f::Function{A,B}, a::A)::B where {A,B} = f(a)
ERROR: UndefVarError: A not defined
Is it possible to specify the signature of a function?
# mycall : (A -> B) -> A -> B
mycall(f::Function{A,B}, a::A)::B where {A,B} = f(a)
ERROR: UndefVarError: A not defined
TLDR is no. Every function in Julia has it’s own type. The simple reason for this is that functions do not have specific input or output types. Consider +
what are it’s input and output types?
I’d say, it’s an inductive type Has{+}
, just like an extensible enum.
Julia doesn’t have inductive types (or dependent types for that matter).
I tried to find a workaround. Why didn’t this work?
julia> f(x::Float64)::Float64 = 1.0
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> let T = typeof(f); methods(T.instance).ms[1].sig.types[2] == Core.Compiler.return_type(T.instance, (methods(T.instance).ms[1].sig.types[2],)) end
# mycall : (A -> B) -> A -> B
julia> mycall(f::T,a::A) where {methods(T.instance).ms[1].sig.types[2] == Core.Compiler.return_type(T.instance, (methods(T.instance).ms[1].sig.types[2],)), A} = f(a)
ERROR: syntax: invalid variable expression in "where" around REPL[15]:1
EDIT: I think function calls aren’t allowed in where
mycall(f::T,a::A) where {g(T),A} = f(a)
ERROR: syntax: invalid variable expression in "where" around REPL[20]:1
Aren’t functors useful there?
julia> struct F{A}
julia> (f::F)(x) = sin(x)
julia> mycall(f::F{A}, a::A) where {A} = f(a)
mycall (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f = F{Int}()
julia> mycall(f,1)
julia> mycall(f,1.0)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching mycall(::F{Int64}, ::Float64)
I am not sure if there is something that can be done with the return value, as you seem to try in the example.