So i regularly run SDE simulations. To get a better idea of the systems behavior I would run several identical, and plot the various results. I figured this probably would be a good task for the Parallel Ensemble Simulations part of DifferentialEquations. However, I do not actually manage to get any speedup using parallelism. Also weird things happen.
Here is a simple example code of problems that appear. As seen towards the end, there is no speed up using these approach, also some weird errors happen. Comments in the code.
#We needs distributed to use several processors (?).
using Distributed
#Checks number of threads.
#(It is equal to 4)
#While following these processes in the terminal using "top", there is only ever one julia process, with maximum 100% CPU.
#Can we use more cores? "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l" in the terminal gives us "8". Lets try add another 6 to make it 7.
#(Not sure whenever it matters or not, but it feelt good to save 1 for other computer stuff)
#Or so was my initial though, but then someone said that since I already have number of threads in Juno equal to 4, I should not add more than another 4 workers.
#So I settled for 3 for a starter.
#Fetches DiffEq (and all workes needs to see it).
@everywhere using DifferentialEquations
#Prepares the test system (Lotka-Volterra). Also ensures that all workers see them
@everywhere begin
function f(du,u,p,t)
du[1] = p[1] * u[1] - p[2] * u[1]*u[2]
du[2] = -3 * u[2] + u[1]*u[2]
function g(du,u,p,t)
du[1] = p[3]*u[1]
du[2] = p[4]*u[2]
p = [1.5,1.0,0.1,0.1]
prob = SDEProblem(f,g,[1.0,1.0],(0.0,5000.0),p)
#Prepares parallel ensamble simulations.
@everywhere begin
prob_func(prob,i,repeat) = prob
ensemble_prob = EnsembleProblem(prob,prob_func=prob_func)
#Meassures without using parallel ensemble simulations from DiffEq.
function solveN(n)
for i = 1:n
@time solveN(40) #This takes about 10 seconds. While watching in top, there is only one active julia process.
#Checks the speed of vaiour solves using Ensemble:
@time solve(ensemble_prob,SRIW1(),trajectories=40) #This takes about 12 seconds. While watching in top, there is only one active julia process.
@time solve(ensemble_prob,SRIW1(),EnsembleSerial(),trajectories=40) #This takes about 12 seconds. While watching in top, there is only one active julia process.
@time solve(ensemble_prob,SRIW1(),EnsembleThreads(),trajectories=40) #This takes about 13 seconds. While watching in top, there is only one active julia process.
@time solve(ensemble_prob,SRIW1(),EnsembleDistributed(),trajectories=40) #This takes about 27 seconds. Top gives 3-4 active proccess. When 3 they typically all have about the same %CPU (towards 100). When 4 three typically have very little (maybe 2 or 3%).
@time solve(ensemble_prob,SRIW1(),EnsembleSplitThreads(),trajectories=40) #Running this will yield messages in the console "Worker 3 terminated." and "Worker 2 terminated.". It will end with a ProcessExitedException().
Finally, here is the full output of the ProcessExitedException()
generated at the end.
in top-level scope at base/util.jl:156
in at base/none
in #solve#365 at DiffEqBase/AfQA1/src/solve.jl:46
in at base/none
in #__solve#305 at DiffEqBase/AfQA1/src/ensemble/basic_ensemble_solve.jl:64
in macro expansion at base/util.jl:213
in macro expansion at DiffEqBase/AfQA1/src/ensemble/basic_ensemble_solve.jl:70
in solve_batch at DiffEqBase/AfQA1/src/ensemble/basic_ensemble_solve.jl:165
in #pmap at base/none
in #pmap#213 at stdlib/v1.1/Distributed/src/pmap.jl:126
in #asyncmap at base/none
in #asyncmap#680 at base/asyncmap.jl:81
in #async_usemap at base/none
in #async_usemap#681 at base/asyncmap.jl:154
in maptwice at base/asyncmap.jl:178
in foreach at base/abstractarray.jl:1866
in at base/asyncmap.jl:178